
Taken (2008)

1 plot hole - chronological order

(14 votes)

Plot hole: When Brian is on the boat, we see 3 girls from the auction being ushered into the sheikh's stateroom. He eliminates all the bodyguards, the last of who is the leader with the knife, and who is the only person who knows which of the girls is Kimmi. When Brian enters the stateroom, the sheikh is holding her at gunpoint. How did he know she was Brian's daughter?

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Suggested correction: This is a question, not a plot hole. It is possible the man who bought Kim at the auction had to explain to his boss, the sheikh, why he bought her. He probably told him about the troubles he has had and the possibility that this man is still searching for his daughter, the girl in front of him. Hearing the fighting going on the sheikh correctly assumes this is the same man and tries to use her as a shield against him when he enters and threatens her with a knife.


Don't think so - lot of probable's. The Sheik's right-hand man would have assumed Brian was dead as St Clair's men had captured him, but he spotted him on the boat and only told his boss he would 'kill the dog', not which girl he had come for. Agree correction - she was held by knife-point.

He bought a girl he was not instructed to buy, for a lot of money. Of course he had to explain that to the Sheikh.


Not a plot hole, not even a contrivance. The sheik just grabbed whichever girl that was with him. It didn't matter who she was, it was just a case of "let me go or 'll kill this random, innocent girl." The fact that it was Kim was a simple coincidence (1 in 3 chance).

Suggested correction: There's nothing to suggest that the sheikh did know. He just grabbed one of the girls to use as a "shield". It didn't matter to him if it was Brian's daughter. We only place significance on the act because we know it's her, and humans like to find meaning in things.

Continuity mistake: When Kim is kidnapped, she describes the man "Beard. Six feet. Tattoo right hand, moon and star." When Bryan listens to the tape in the jet, she says, "Mustache. Six feet. Tattoo on right hand, moon and star. Dad!" (00:27:50)

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Jean Claude: Okay, first we should find the spotter.
Bryan: I found him. He's dead.
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Bryan: Jean Claude, I will tear down the Eiffel Tower if I have to.

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Question: Would Bryan just have left the country with Kim (possibly using his CIA connections)? He had torn up Paris in the space of 2 and a half days and killed countless people. He may have gotten away with that when employed on CIA business but in the movie, he's basically just breaking the law. Seems if he took Kim to hospital, questions would be asked and he would be arrested (not to mention shooting Jean-Claude's wife and assaulting him). Yet Kim looks cleaned up, etc.


Chosen answer: Bryan may not have taken Kim to a hospital in Paris. We also saw earlier that he has some medical training and was able to help the other girl who had been drugged. Bryan likely has many connections who could help get him and Kim get out the country quickly, and he has enough knowledge about police and government corruption that he could spill to the press. Most likely the authorities wanted him gone as quickly as possible to avoid a public scandal and would do little to prevent his leaving.


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