
Corrected entry: The way the house is set up when Bella is talking to her dad about going to play baseball with Edward is off. The kitchen table is no longer pushed up against the wall, and the front entry doorway enters to the living room, instead of a hallway, like in the scene where Bella comes home and slams the door.


Correction: There is both a dining room and a kitchen in the Swan's house. If you make an left immediately after coming in the front door, you turn into the kitchen. If, however, you were to walk straight forward into the livingroom and then turn left you would end up in the diningroom. The kitchen and diningroom are side by side, and they each have a table.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Bella is talking to Edward just after she comes out of the doctor's office (when Edward, Carlisle and Rosalie are talking), you can very faintly see the rims of her contact lenses. I'm watching on Blu-Ray which makes it more noticeable).


Correction: How is this a mistake? Lots of people wear contact lenses.


Corrected entry: When Jacob Black comes to Bella's house with Billy Black, Edward Cullen had just fixed the front side of Bella's car. Jacob Black can quickly see the fix, though it is obscured by Bella standing in the way, and also he seems to be checking out the back side of the car.


Correction: The dented part of the truck was actually over the back tire. That's why Jacob was looking in that direction.


Corrected entry: It is explained in the second movie, the whole treaty between the Cullens and the wolves. If one of the Cullens bites a human, the treaty is off and the wolves can attack the Cullens. That treaty was forged generations ago, so why was the treaty not off when Dr. Cullen bit all of his "children"?

Correction: Carlisle only bit Esme, Edward, Rosalie and Emmett, and THAT was all before the treaty was made. He hadn't bitten anyone since. Alice and Jasper were created by other vampires and joined with the Cullen family after they had left Forks the first time.

Corrected entry: Early in the movie, Bella is sat around the table with her friends as they teasingly say, "My girlfriend!" Then one of the boys runs up behind her and kisses her on the cheek. If you watch Bella's reaction, she barely even flinches. She has only been a student at the school a short time. Don't you think this is an odd under reaction for someone who has just had wet lips of a total stranger pressed on them from behind?


Correction: Matter of opinion. Everyone has their own personality and their own reactions to social situations. Her reaction is no more a mistake than is the guy kissing her in the first place.


Corrected entry: When Bella asks Edward to pull over to discover that her dad's cruiser is still at the police station due to Waylon's death, Edward turns his wheel to the left when, it's a right turn.

Correction: Edward is making a right turn on the road when they spot the flashing police lights (you can tell the car is rounding a corner). This would place the police station on their left once they completed the turn. It is after this right turn that Bella asks Edward to pull in to the station. At this point, the station IS on the left, so his turning the wheel that way would not be a mistake.

Correction: The bird does not actually move, the camera angle just changes several times.

Corrected entry: In the beginning of the movie, you see a plane flying out. Assuming Bella is on this plane, Charlie would have picked her up from an airport. When Charlie takes Bella's bags out of the car trunk, there are no airline tags on her baggage.

Correction: Much can be done offscreen. The tags could have simply been removed and chucked in the garbage, on their way out to the parking lot.

Corrected entry: To cleanse Bella's blood, Edward sucks and drinks Bella's blood, but later in the hospital his eyes aren't red. Earlier in the film it is stated that drinking human blood makes vampires' eyes turn red.


Correction: When *regularly* drinking human blood, not the three pints or so from a 5ft 5 - 5ft 7 girl. This is also confirmed in the book of the series Breakign Dawn, (SPOILER WARNING) when Bella's eyes are red it states that her eyes will remain red and eventually dilute because most of the blood in her system is still her own human blood. Meaning that human blood has to be regularly drank to maintain the red eye colour.

Corrected entry: During the Volleyball scene on Bella's first day, when she hits Mike Newton's head, look closely, in the background a little girl runs across the court, she must be about 8. In high school? Perhaps one of the crew's kid?

Correction: Or a child that lives very near the school that happened by? Or is visiting the school of her teen sibling with a parent who is occupied inside and left her to play outside? The film doesn't indicate the child IS a student there, and a child in the area isn't a mistake all by itself.


Corrected entry: In the scene when we see Bella leaning on the hood of her car waiting for Edward to show up so that she can confront him, we see Jasper and Rosalie pull up in their cars. Between the wide shot and the closeup you can see that Rosalie opens the door of her red car twice. (00:13:20)


Correction: Actually it looks as if she just opens the door, but doesn't push it open, and then in the next shoot she opens it all the way.


Corrected entry: In the scene after Bella tells Edward she trusts him, he jumps into a tree, explains about his family's hunting habits, then hangs off of one of the branches. In the first shot of his position, he has both hands up on branches on either side of his arm. In the next shot, one arm is at his side and the other is up on the branch. Then in the next shot, both hands are back on the branches on either side of him.

Correction: Vampires move very quickly. Edward could be trying to scare Bella. That is why he moves like this on the branch.

Corrected entry: When Bella is talking to Edward at the salad bar, Edward puts his hand on the top of the bar for a second. In this shot, you can see sweat marks under his arm, though vampires don't sweat.

Correction: We are never told in the movie that vampires do not sweat. And it has been speculated that vampires may get flushed skin under certain circumstances, perhaps Ed is 'sweating' because he's nervous around Bella?

Corrected entry: In the baseball scene where the Nomads challenge the Cullens for a game, Carlisle throws the ball at Laurent, but Victoria catches it. Jasper and Emmett laugh at her remark about handling her wicked curve ball. You see her holding a plastic clear ball used for the CG department, which then added in the image later.


Correction: I've watched the movie several times and you can only see the baseball. In the extras you see them catching the clear ball, but not in the movie.

john sale

Corrected entry: When Victoria is at Bella's prom, she should have massacred everyone. (Edward says in the movie, 'When we taste human blood, it starts a frenzy.')

Correction: Corrected several times already. Obviously, vampires CAN control themselves when they wish to. Victoria was there to observe Bella and plot her revenge for James' death. She wasn't there to "start a massacre."

Brenda Elzin

Corrected entry: When Bella is in the hospital after the vampire attack, it shows her face and one minute the nose thing is on top of her eyebrow, then it shows another view and it's in the spot it should be in. Then it changes again and it's back on her eyebrow. It keeps going back and forth.

Correction: The nasal cannula mistake has already been noted and submitted. Several times.


Corrected entry: In the scene in the garage when Edward is trying to get Bella away from James, Edward tosses Bella's jacket to Rosalie. The first shot, Rosalie is sitting on the counter next to where Carlise is taking things from a cabinet. On the wider shot, Rosalie is standing without allowing enough time to for her to have changed positions.


Correction: The whole moving extremely fast issue has been addressed here many times. These vampires move with such inhuman speed, it cannot be seen. The whole family is on alert and is getting ready to flee. Everyone except Edward and Bella moves significantly during this scene.

Brenda Elzin

Corrected entry: In the ballet studio, when James pulls out the video camera for the first time and James and Bella are talking, when Bella says, "Edward has nothing to do with this," right before that her mouth moves, but she isn't saying anything.

Correction: The audio matches her words. The mouth movement prior to that line was her mouth stammering from her terror at being confronted by James. This isn't a mistake.

Brenda Elzin

Corrected entry: When Edward is talking under the trees in the rain (getting very wet, then totally dry), he also manages to changes clothes in between. In the rain he is wearing exactly the same outfit as in the scene when he jumps down on the car that Bella is washing (when the blue bucket disappears), and then he is back in the grey jacket and dark shirt.


Correction: Corrected twice already - this is a compilation of several days and several scenes, hence the change in clothing.

Brenda Elzin

Corrected entry: When Edward rescues Bella in Port Angeles, the license plates on his car don't match. Washington is on the front and Oregon is on the rear. (00:39:55)

Correction: The plates that are Oregon plates belong to the car that Edward cut off when he spun onto the street. Both of his plates are indeed Washington.


Twilight mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bella is in the hospital, in the close-up of her face, the breathing tubes are right by her eyes, but when the shot is further from her face, the tubes are on her cheeks. (01:38:20)

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Trivia: Actor Rob Pattinson is very musically talented. On top of writing and performing two songs for the film's soundtrack, he plays the piano in the "Bella's Lullaby" scene.

More trivia for Twilight

Question: When Edward and Bella were by the lockers at school, how come Edward couldn't read Bella?

Answer: Edward is able to read anyone's mind "except" for Bella's. He cannot understand why and that confuses and frustrates him. It is learned later that Bella has an unknown ability to block any mental intrusion. That is why Aro could not see Bella's memories and why Jane was unable to mentally inflict pain on her in "Twilight: New Moon."


Answer: Edward can't read Bellas mind because of an invisible barrier that protects her from mind effects. After she became a vampire, she was actually able to transfer the barrier to protect people. However she had to train to control the power.

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