Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Corrected entry: When Ron, Hermione & Harry are sitting in the Great Hall discussing Ron's break-up with Lavendar, there is one row of tables behind Harry - one row behind Ron & Hermione - total, 3 rows of tables. When Harry leaves the Hall, there are 4 rows of tables as there should be.

Correction: Have another look, because there are actually two tables behind Harry, not one. Seated at the table directly behind Harry are Marcus Belby, Dean Thomas and Cormac McLaggen chatting it up, and behind that table is the fourth table with Lavender.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: Professor McGonagall tells Harry that Slughorn will accept students who had Exceeds Expectations on their N.E.W.T. The exams that Harry took the previous year were called O.W.L., while NEWTs are the exams 7th year students take.

Correction: Have another listen. Harry says, "I was told I had to get an Outstanding in my O.W.L." Professor McGonagall responds, "So you did, when Professor Snape was teaching Potions. However, Professor Slughorn is perfectly happy to accept N.E.W.T. students with Exceeds Expectations." This means Slughorn's Advanced Potions class is for N.E.W.T. level students. There is no mistake.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: [SPOILER WARNING] After Dumbledore finishes drinking the potion in the cave, it is Harry who takes the horcrux from the basin and puts it in his pocket. However, when Harry approaches Dumbledore's dead body, the very same locket had seemingly fallen out of Dumbledore's pocket and Harry takes it again. Actually, it should be in his pocket already.

Correction: There was plenty of time for Harry to have given the locket to Dumbledore, at any time during their boat ride out of the magically enhanced cave, offscreen, just after Dumbledore parted the flames with the spell, until they actually apparated once outside the cave's entrance.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: Before Dumbledore takes Harry by side-along apparition to see Slughorn, he tells Harry to hold his left arm because his right hand is all shriveled up. When they apparate away from Slughorn's house to the Burrow, Harry grabs Dumbledore's right (i.e. the wrong) arm.


Correction: First off, there is no "wrong" arm. Dumbledore still has use of his right arm/hand despite the poison, as seen on a few occasions, including when Harry takes hold of Dumbledore's right forearm as they Apparate from the Astronomy Tower to the cave's location and also when Dumbledore holds his wand with his right hand within the cave. Secondly, both when going to and leaving Budleigh Babberton, Harry takes hold of Dumbledore's left forearm for the Side-Along Apparition.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: At the start of the movie Ginny has dark brown/black hair, then in the next shot shes gone back to ginger.

Correction: After multiple viewings of the film, Ginny's hair is never seen to be brown/black. It is always ginger. Her hair may have seemed darker due to the lighting.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Draco Malfoy attacks Dumbledore, Bellatrix Lestrange walks in wearing dark lipstick. The camera switches to a side view of Draco, and Bellatrix kisses him on the back of the head, and she is wearing no lipstick. The Camera goes to Dumbledore, then back to Draco and Bellatrix, and her lipstick has reappeared.


Correction: Bellatrix is always wearing lipstick. From a front camera angle, her lipstick appears dark. When her face is seen in profile, a bright light source shining directly on her face highlights her features, including her lips, making them only appear lighter, but we still see its shine.


Corrected entry: At the end of Order of the Phoenix, Harry is going home with all his friends. However, at the start of Half-Blood Prince, they show the Daily Prophet at the Ministry taking pictures of Harry and Dumbledore.

Correction: The last scene in The Order of the Phoenix happened AFTER the opening of The Half-Blood Prince. The first scene is a flashback to the events at the Ministry.


Corrected entry: When Harry opens the potions book the first time, it says, "This book belongs to the Half Blood Prince" with blood underlined 3 times. When Ginny opens it, it says, "This book is property of the Half Blood Prince."


Correction: First, when Harry first opens the book the writing reads "...is property of...", and not "...belongs to...". Second, when Ginny opens the book and says aloud "This book is property of the Half Blood Prince" we are not actually shown the writing that she reads. Third, Harry first opens the book and reads it at the front cover and Ginny opens to the back cover.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When the necklace is brought to McGonagall, Hermione is to the left, then Ron, then Harry. When Snape arrives and inspects the necklace, Hermione is now in the middle. When the shot shows them again, Hermione is again on the far left side.

Correction: You need to have another look. Ron stands between Hermione and Harry the entire time, from the moment McGonagall thanks Leanne.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: During the Death Eater attack, Mrs. Weasley reaches out to stop Harry before he actually runs away.


Correction: Harry quickly rushes past Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and just as he momentarily stops in front of them Mrs. Weasley shouts and protectively reaches her arm out to him, then he runs after Bellatrix as she shouts, "No!" There is no problem with how that is played out.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: At the welcoming feast, Dumbledore mentions Tom Riddle, and the name causes all of the students to start talking. Very few, if any, of the students should know what Voldemort's real name was.


Correction: Voldemort's public return at the Ministry of Magic happened before school let out. Between then and the start of the new term, during which Harry's been dubbed as the 'Chosen One', it is really not inconceivable that a number of the students would have come to know Voldemort's real name (within the film's world) and then whispered it to others who didn't know.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the Christmas scene at the Burrows, while Mr. Weasley talks to Harry alone, he is sitting behind an old muggle stereo that suddenly disappears.


Correction: In the shed, when Mr. Weasley takes a seat the record player is lying in front of him on some other stuff. As he and Harry speak, each time the shot faces Mr. Weasley the camera pans in towards him, closer and closer, over the record player. With each shot of him, less and less of the record player is seen at the bottom of the screen, and in the next to last shot of Mr. Weasley we can still see a bit of it at the bottom. So by the last shot of Mr Weasley the camera is right up in front of him and the record player is simply not seen.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Harry is giving Dumbledore the poison to drink, Harry takes a cup of poison (with a little left in the bowl). Harry approaches Dumbledore saying, "This is the last one you need to drink". Harry then goes back to the bowl and the remaining poison's suddenly gone, leaving the necklace fully exposed.


Correction: There is an entire basin filled with the liquid potion and we are shown Harry filling up the small shell cup only a few times, so there is much time that passes offscreen between these shots for Harry to have emptied the basin completely, just before he tells Dumbledore that it is the last of the potion.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: During Aragog's funeral, Hagrid says he had him since he was an egg. In Chamber of Secrets Aragog says he came to Hagrid in the pocket of a traveler. Aragog had already hatched when he found Hagrid.

Correction: In the film 'Chamber of Secrets' Arogog tells Harry and Ron that he "came to Hagrid from a distant land in the pocket of a traveler" - he did not say that he was already hatched, so we must presume he was STILL an egg. (In the book Arogog actually states "A traveler gave me to Hagrid when I was an egg.")

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Harry first gets the old Book of Potions, he opens the front cover and sees the name Half Blood Prince. Later when Ginny pulls the book from him and reads the name to Hermione, she has opened the back cover and is reading the name from there. Later on Harry is again looking at the book, and once again the name Half Blood Prince is at the front of the book.


Correction: It's entirely possible that the name is on both the front and back cover. Students often write their name in more than one place on text books.


Corrected entry: It had been mentioned in the previous films that no one can apparate to or from Hogwarts. Yet, near the end, we see Dumbledore (with Harry along) apparating from the top of astronomy tower.


Correction: Harry asks, specifically, about this very thing, and Dumbledore explains that he has certain privileges available to him, among them, the ability to apparate in and out of Hogwarts as he pleases.


Corrected entry: At the Great Hall feast where Dumbledore is addressing the students, he says Tom Riddle's name. Before he said that, there was a shot of the table that Harry and his friends were sitting at. Directly after Dumbledore says Tom Riddle's name, it goes back to the table, but Harry isn't sitting there anymore.

Correction: He's still there. You can see his hand. He's just hidden by Ginny. He's looking around her back which places him right behind her from the camera's POV.


Corrected entry: If it wasn't for the contract that Emma Watson (Hermione Granger) signed to complete the last few movies, the Half-Blood Prince and to-be Deathly Hallows (to be made in to two movies) would not have happened. However, despite the success of the contract, Watson has revealed that she will no longer be acting after the last installment of Harry Potter.

Correction: Without quoting a source, it's impossible to say for sure that the final three movies "would not have happened". Even though Watson is now identified with the character, it cannot be said for sure that the studio would not have recast the part. The franchise is too profitable.


Corrected entry: When the students and teachers raise their wands in salute of Dumbledore, Hagrid is holding a wand like everyone else. He should be holding his pink umbrella, containing the pieces of his wand, which was snapped 54 years previously.

Correction: Hagrid is not holding anything, his hands are down the entire time.

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: It is not what is seen here that is the problem, but what we don't see on the Hogwarts Express; first on the way to Hogwarts when Harry, Ron, and Hermione are in their compartment talking about Draco, and second, during holiday break, when Harry and Ron are talking about Unbreakable Vows. As the camera faces the large compartment window, we see the scenery out the window, but as the train speeds along, the scenic reflection of the windows opposite it, in the corridor, should be seen but isn't. What is reflected is the light colored wall of the compartment beneath the blacked-out window. The camera filming the shots from this angle is positioned at that window, and to hide the camera/crews' outline, the window was covered.

Super Grover

More mistakes in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Albus Dumbledore: Take my arm. That was fun. Most people vomit their first time.

More quotes from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Trivia: Christian Coulson, who played Tom Riddle in the second film, expressed interest in returning for this film, but David Yates felt Coulson was too old to convincingly play the role again. Ironically, Coulson was "too old" to begin with, being almost ten years older than the age group Chris Columbus had set for auditions.

Cubs Fan

More trivia for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Question: When Harry sees into the past of Dumbledore's meeting with young Tom Riddle, Tom admits that he hurts people if they are mean to him. Since Tom openly admits this with obviously no guilt or remorse, why would Dumbledore take him to Hogwarts to learn magic instead of leaving him at the orphanage?

Answer: Leaving an untrained young wizard, who obviously has some behavioral issues and has no idea he is magical, alone in the Muggle world would be extremely dangerous. Dumbledore does not yet know that Riddle will become evil, but like any teacher, he wants to give a troubled youth an opportunity to find a new path in life.


Answer: Not to mention, Hogwarts is not the only magical school in existence. A wizard as powerful as Tom Riddle, if Hogwarts had not taken him in, there's a good chance another school that was more willing to teach Dark Arts could have taken him in, which could have been a lot worse for the wizarding world. Good chance this crossed Dumbledore's mind, and he figured Tom Riddle had a better chance at Hogwarts, where they'd teach him to properly control his magic rather than another school that will just teach him more dark magic.

More questions & answers from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

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