Corrine Whitman: Why don't you ask your boss how badly he really does want to stick his neck out for a terrorist.
Alan Smith: Well, he might for due process. Maybe I should have a copy of the Constitution sent to your office.
Corrine Whitman: I need a jackal, not an analyst.
Douglas Freeman: This is my first torture.
Abasi Fawal: We have a saying, "Beat your woman every morning. If you don't know why, she does."
Corrine Whitman: Honey, this is nasty business. There are upwards of 7,000 people in central London alive tonight, because of information that we elicited just this way. So maybe you can put your head on your pillow and feel proud for saving one man while 7,000 perish, but I got grandkids in London, so I'm glad I'm doing this job... and you're not.