Detective Mercer: How did you... pull it back together after what happened to you?
Erica: You don't.
Detective Mercer: I'm sorry.
Erica: No, no.
Detective Mercer: Jacked-up question, man.
Erica: It's a fair question. You... you become someone else. A stranger.
Erica: Open the door.
Crazy in the car: Uh-oh. We got us a super-cunt here.
Erica: Open the door, or I'll be the last super-cunt you'll ever see.
Elevator Man #1: Gross. Who's he gonna shoot next, Donald Trump?
Erica: Do you remember what she looked like?
Pawn Shop Guy: She had two eyes, a mouth and a nose right in the middle of her face. Now please, get the fuck out.
Erica: I should have walked out of that train. I could have just shown them the gun, they wouldn't have hurt me. Why don't my hands shake? Why doesn't somebody stop me?
Detective Mercer: Now, if your going to use a gun, you make sure it's legal.
Detective Vitale: Women kill the kids, the boyfriend, the husband. Shit they love. They don't do this.
Erica: I always believed that fear belonged to other people. Weaker people. It never touched me. And then it did. And when it touches you, you know... that it's been there all along. Waiting beneath the surfaces of everything you loved.