Grandpa Mori Shintaro: Before you go to Japan, you will be tested on the field of battle. Remember, four strands of rope, apart you can snap, but together you can be strong, now get out there and kick butt.
Tum Tum: Let's murdalize them.
Tum Tum: I wanted to come to Japan, Grandpa.
Grandpa: Thank you for wanting to continue your Ninja training.
Tum Tum: Ninja? I really wanted to go there to learn how to be a Sumo Wrestler. You know how much those guys get to eat everyday?
Miyo: I have trouble swinging my butt.
Tum Tum: You mean your bat.
Miyo: Yes, my butt.
Grandpa: Watch the target grow in front of your eyes. And when it gets as big as a melon, throw.