Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

Question: Why did Sao Feng keep yelling for more steam in the beginning? Was he trying to smoke out the guys who were underground?

Answer: Sao Feng enjoys his luxury bathhouse and demands that hot steam continually be provided on his command. Barbossa's crew mates, meanwhile, have infiltrated the boiler room directly below and incapacitated the bathhouse workers. When Feng orders more steam, the crew scrambles to figure out how to operate the controls before being detected. Meanwhile, Feng becomes impatient when the steam he wanted has not been provided and angrily yells for more, which the crew is finally able to provide before arousing any suspicion.


Question: With the little boy hanging in the beginning, did it have anything to do with the story line, or were they just showing how they would kill anyone that was associated with pirates?

Answer: Beckett needed the song to be sung to summon the Brethren Court, making it possible for him to destroy them. As a result, they simply started hanging anybody who had any links to pirates, until somebody started the song.


Question: Is that man with the pirate code Jack's father? He sure looks like it and Jack asks "How's mum?" but it's a very hard tell/guess.


Chosen answer: Yes, he is. This is Captain Teague, Jack's father, played by Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones, who was one of the primary inspirations for Depp's performance as Sparrow.


Question: Why did Beckett not fire back on The Black Pearl and The Flying Dutchman when they joined forces against him? Is it meant to be 'artistic licence'?

Answer: Because he was so shocked at the turn in events that he simply froze up. It happens - people simply hit a situation which they can't deal with and freeze up. By the time he finally gets his head around it, it's far too late, the ship's already being destroyed around him and his men are abandoning ship. At that point, giving the 'fire' order would be pointless - there's nobody left at the guns.


Question: Why is Jack the monkey no longer undead?

Answer: Monkey Jack is still cursed. Note when he was shot out of the cannon he was in flames and still survived unharmed.

Super Grover

Question: How would Jack get his "eternal life" reward if he was able to kill Jones? Is that what will happen, or I misinterpreted things? Was it because he's free from him due to Davey Jones' demise? Why would Jack want Will to kill Jones and have the immortality thingy if his dream was to sail to the sea forever? I thought Will and Jack weren't "friends" at all? Also, Calypso cheated on Davey Jones with whom? If Elizabeth did the same thing with Will after a span of 10 years had passed, would Will have a scary image like Davey Jones' as well? I mean his sort-of-like-an-octopus look? Lastly, if Davey Jones forgave Tia, would the curse be removed from him? Thank you in advance.

Answer: Jack, by killing Jones, would assume his place and become immortal. Jack gave up his bid for immortality to save Will. He cared about Will (and Elizabeth) more than he'd ever admitted to himself, and could not let him die. Calypso didn't cheat on Jones with another man. She simply chose to abandon him because she could not be committed to one person. As she said, it was her nature. Jones' appearance became corrupted because he had abandoned his true purpose of ferrying dead souls to the "other side." This does not happen to Will because he honored the duty that was imposed on him. Also, if Jones forgave Tia Dalma, it would have nothing to do with the curse.


Question: Why is Barbossa reluctant to hand over Elizabeth while making a deal with Sao Feng while Jack is talking with Beckett on his ship? And why is Beckett interested in Elizabeth (asking Jack about her when he fails to mention her)?

Answer: Barbossa does feel some loyalty to Elizabeth and considers her a comrade, and he would not hand her over to an enemy. Beckett would be interested in Elizabeth for a variety of reasons. She would possess valuable information. Having her as a captive would make it easier to ensure Norrington's obedience. She would also make for a good bargaining chip in his dealings with Jack. He may also fancy her.


Question: I know Elizabeth can't live on the ship and William can't be on land except every 10 years. Why can't they meet in the ocean whenever they want to? She can swim... she swam to the island when Barbossa stranded Jack and her... and it's not land so William can be there... so why don't they think of that?

Answer: To fulfill his purpose of ferrying souls to the "other side" William must remain in the underworld, allowed to leave it only once every ten years to step on land (in the living world). Davy Jones had abandoned this role and returned to the living world. As a consequence, he and his crew were cursed and began transforming into the hideous monsters.


Question: How much time has passed between the ending of the first movie to the ending of the third?

Answer: About a year passes between the first two films, with a gap of a few weeks between the second and third. So no more than about fifteen months total , unless you include the after-the-credits scene in World's End, in which case add on another ten years.


Question: There are mistakes noting Elizabeth's son, but I don't recall seeing her son. Did I miss something?


Chosen answer: After the entire credits' roll (which takes a while) there is a one minute scene which shows the boy. This scene is noted in the MM Trivia section.

Super Grover

Question: In the very end of the movie Will Turner's father is on the black Pearl. How did he end up there when just a few minutes before that he was steering the Flying Dutchman for his son?

Stevie Knudsen

Answer: Bootstrap Bill Turner was not back on the Black Pearl at the end. He is only on the Flying Dutchman. It appears you're confusing him with another actor in the ending scene who bears a slight resemblance to Stellan Skarsgard, the actor who portrays Bootstrap.


Question: How did the single souls on the boats die? Did they also die by drowning at sea like the others swimming in the water and why are they in individual boats? Are they special souls?

Answer: They died at sea or their bodies were dropped in the sea (like Elizabeth's father). These are the souls that are at peace with their deaths and are being transported calmly to the other end, opposed to ones in the water who are not at peace and supposed to be escorted by Davey Jones to find it.


Question: If Davy Jones was part of the Brethren Court once, then why did he not know the location of Shipwreck Cove?

Answer: Davy Jones was not one of the nine Pirate Lords who made up the Brethren Court.


Question: In the scene where Beckett, Will, and Jones meet with Elizabeth, Jack, and Barbossa on the island, Elizabeth decides to exchange Will for Jack. Back on the Black Pearl, she tells Barbossa that they need to give Jack a chance. What does she mean by this? Also, why was Barbossa so eager to free Calypso, while Elizabeth and Will were so against it?


Chosen answer: She means for Barbossa to give Jack a chance to locate and retrieve Jones' key and chest aboard the Flying Dutchman. Barbossa is eager to free Calypso because she brought him back from the dead, and he owes her for that; also because only Calypso can keep Beckett from destroying every last pirate in the Caribbean. Elizabeth and Will weren't especially interested in whether or not Calypso was freed. They didn't invest their efforts into the plan because they had plans of their own which working to free Calypso interfered with.


Question: I'm curious, when Beckett and his men first board The Dutchman, he says to Jones, 'This is no longer your world. The immaterial has become immaterial,' what's his meaning? Also straight after, we see a load of his men aiming their guns at Davy Jones' heart. What's that all about?

Answer: Beckett is saying that mythological beings like Jones, entities that he doesn't really consider to be part of the normal material world have become irrelevant, that they don't matter any more. Aiming the guns at the heart is purely a threat, telling Jones that if he doesn't do what they tell him to, they'll destroy the heart and him along with it.


Question: Did anyone hear exactly what Gibbs said at the brethren court meeting? He explains why they didn't use the pieces of eight like they intended, but instead used pieces of junk.

Answer: They didn't use pieces of eight because they were all broke and didn't have any pieces of eight to use. In the end, they simply used whatever they had available at the time.


Question: What happened to the rest of the armada after The Flying Dutchman and The Black Pearl sank the Endeavor? Did the English all just leave, or do we assume that the Pearl, Dutchman, and the rest of the pirates turned tail and fled? I doubt the armada would have just let them go because they sank one ship.

Julie Wegner

Chosen answer: They fled. Since Lord Beckett would not give an order, they would not fight.


Question: After she finds out that her father's dead, Elizabeth looks absolutely devastated and Will asks Tia Dalma if there is a way. What exactly does Tia say in reply? And why can't she bring back Elizabeth's father from the dead like she brought back Barbossa?

Answer: She says that he is at peace. It's probably possible that she could bring him back, but he doesn't want to go back.

Greg Dwyer

If she would bring him back, he will be very distraught and not be able to live on normally. He'd probably go insane and commit suicide.


Answer: Tia Dalma (Calypso) brought Barbossa back only because she needed him as part of her plan to escape her corporeal form. The Pirate Lords had imprisoned her in a human body, and only they, which included Barbossa and Jack Sparrow, could release her. There was no reason for her to bring Elizabeth's father back from the dead, particularly as he is at peace and will be reunited with his dead wife.


Question: Why does Captain Sao Feng keep smelling his cloth at the beginning of At Worlds End? Is it to endure the smell of all those big dirty pirates convened in one spot, or is it drugs to get high, or is it a medical thing, or just a runny nose?

Answer: It's not explained why he does this, so any answer is speculation. One theory is that the actor playing him was giving his character some odd or unusual trait to make him less static.


Question: How come the boy in the beginning of the film has one of the nine coins? Who is he? And since Elizabeth was waiting for Will to return to shore, does that make Will a free man and severed from his bonds from the ship? Lastly, how when Will took over as captain of the Dutchman, all the crew members resumed human forms again?

Answer: The "nine pieces of eight" were never actually coins. The boy just has a plain piece of eight, a fairly common coin. No, Will is not freed from the captaincy but he is allowed back on shore for 1 day every 10 years. The crew slowly became part "fish" when Davy Jones stopped conveying the souls of those who die at sea to the land of the dead. Since the Dutchman had a new captain, who had yet to fail in that duty, the "curse" was lifted.


Answer: It was said by one of the producers that Will could return back to Elizabeth and their son (forever) when he finished his first 10 Years on the Dutchman and that a new captain would have been found but for some reason they took this part out.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End mistake picture

Continuity mistake: On the small sand spit, when Jack, Elizabeth and Barbossa meet with Will, Beckett, and Davy Jones, the leather cuff Jack wears on his right hand actually disappears and reappears twice during the meeting.

Super Grover

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More quotes from Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

Trivia: A deleted scene describes Jack's debt with Davy Jones and the hatred between Jack and Beckett in greater detail: Jack used to be the captain of the Wicked Wench, a ship owned by the East India Trading Company, and so it indirectly belonged to Beckett. When Jack had to carry a cargo of slaves, he set them free instead of deliver them as he was ordered by Beckett. Beckett branded Jack as a pirate and burned the Wicked Wench so that it sank. Jack managed to escape and struck a deal with Davy Jones to raise the Wicked Wench in perfect condition except for the permanently blackened hull. This prompted Jack to rename her the Black Pearl. In return, Jack would give Davy Jones 100 years of service after he had been captain of the Black Pearl for 13 years. This served as the main plot device of the second film.


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