May-Alice Culhane: I am not ready for this. When I get stronger I will quit drinking.
Chantelle: If you keep drinking you won't get any stronger.
Chantelle: Are you going to do something to get stronger?
May-Alice Culhane: Why would I want to do that?
Chantelle: Because the next one may not be so nice as me.
May-Alice Culhane: Right. And you're Florence fuckin' Nightingale.
May-Alice Culhane: Did they tell you I was a bitch?
Chantelle: On wheels.
May-Alice Culhane: This visit is just something my business manager cooked up with the insurance company.
Louise: Am I going to meet this guy, this business manager?
May-Alice Culhane: I'm out of business.
Drushka: You eat now.
May-Alice Culhane: What exactly is that?
Drushka: Kascha. Big fiber. It's good for stool.
May-Alice Culhane: Yes. It looks like it has something to do with that.
Rennie: No matter where you at, there you is.
Nina: (discussing a line of dialogue she gave in an earlier movie) I didn't ask for the anal probe.
Nina: I didn't ask for the anal probe.