Catherine: She was born in Paris in 1776.
Hal: Then I definitely never met her.
Catherine: I feel like I could crack open, like an egg, or one of those really smelly French cheeses that ooze when you cut them.
Catherine: Wow. I can't believe how many people are here. I never knew he had this many friends. Where have you all been for the last five years? I guess to you guys he was already dead, right?
Catherine: You blew it. It's too bad, too, cause the rest of it was really good. "I loved your dad." "I always liked you." "I wanna spend every minute with you." That's killer stuff.
Hal: I meant it.
Catherine: You got laid and you got the notebook. You're a genius.
Hal: Talk to me, Catherine. This proof is yours.
Catherine: It is forty pages long. I didn't memorize it. It is not a muffin recipe.
Professor Bhandari: Mathematics isn't jazz. Even the craziest mathematics is working towards a proof.
Catherine: Do you want to go?
Hal: I want to stay here with you.
Catherine: Oh.
Hal: I want to spend the day with you, if at all possible, I want to spend as much time with you as I can, unless I'm coming on way too strong right now and scaring you, in which case I'll begin back-pedalling immediately.
Hal: You read a lot of maths.
Catherine: I read Cosmo. It is just a window dressing.