An American Werewolf in London

Factual error: Full moon happens exactly once per 28 days, but in this movie, David transforms twice on two consecutive days.

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Suggested correction: A full moon only lasts for a brief instant, but to the naked eye, and more importantly to werewolf lore, the moon can appear full for up to 3 days.


Continuity mistake: The level of liquid in the doctor's beer mug changes noticeably between shots; the mug fills itself up again just before he leaves the pub. (00:47:10)

Jean G

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Alex: David, please be rational. Let's go and see Dr. Hirsch.
David: Yeah, be rational. Sure. I'm a fucking werewolf, for Christ's sake.

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Trivia: John Landis wanted to use Cat Stevens song Moon Shadow for the opening credits. Cat Stevens refused because he believes werewolves actually exist.

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Question: When David is starting to turn into a werewolf, he sees his entire body starting to change. So why is it that when he is talking to Alex the next morning he can't remember it happening and the last thing he remembers is reading a book?

Answer: Traumatic events have a tendency to disrupt the memory - people who have been involved in a car accident, for example, often have no memory of the events leading up to the accident, even though they would obviously have perceived those events at the time. The physical and mental stresses of the werewolf transformation have clearly disrupted David's memories in a similar fashion.


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