Big Betty: You call that dancing? Last time I danced like that I ended up with twins.
Bill White: What are you supposed to do when the ones with all the power are hurting those with none? Well for starters, you stand up. Stand up and tell the truth. You stand up for your friends. You stand up even when you're all alone. You stand up.
Sammy Aimes: That's crap. I got a right.
Kyle: Yeah, you got a lot of rights, starting with the right to be pissed off. If fact, you got a right to hate the whole world right now.
Sammy Aimes: I don't hate the whole world. I just hate her.
Kyle: It takes a lot of work to hate someone. You ready to put in that kind of time?
Josey Aimes: I've heard of Lou Gehrig, I just never heard about the disease.
Glory: I know. It's kind of like piece by piece your body just quits listening to you. Like a bullheaded teenager.
Bill White: How old are you?
Sherry: Nineteen. So you wanna dance?
Bill White: I don't think you do. I'm wearing underwear older than that.