Isabel Bigelow: Guess what? I'm a witch.
Jack Wyatt: Guess what? I'm a Clippers fan.
Maria Kelly: Oh, and when you go out with a guy be sure he has a brother or a friend who is single before you call me.
Jack Wyatt: So, were your parents in the witch business?
Isabel Bigelow: Both of them. My mother fixed the 1986 World Series.
Stu Robison: Someone make a note of that.
Jack Wyatt: Where is my dog? I will die if I do not have him back! Do you understand me? I will DIE if I DO not have HIM back.
Nina: We could electrocute him. There's ton of wires around here.
Nina: Let's set fire to his trailer. Let's just do it.
Jack Wyatt: Party at my house.
Jack Wyatt: I'm going to be killed by a fictional character.
Uncle Arthur: Yes, you are.
Jack Wyatt: Watch the road.
Uncle Arthur: Hey, is it Porsche, or Porsha?
Jack Wyatt: Endora, you rancid fruit bag, get out of my room.
Isabel Bigelow: You're sweating again - I love it when you sweat.
Jack Wyatt: Let's make love in a hot-air balloon - let's make love in a candy factory - let's make love in a petting zoo.
Isabel Bigelow: I have to undo this.
Jack Wyatt: Let's make love at Sea World on the back of a killer whale.
Ritchie: That's it. You're fired.
Isabel Bigelow: Doesn't matter... I quit! Yeah, so you better call my agent.
Jim Fields: You don't have an agent.
Isabel Bigelow: Then call my cable man.
Isabel Bigelow: Your life is total instant gratification, Daddy.
Nigel Bigelow: It's fantastic, isn't it?
Isabel Bigelow: No. No, it's not. Because how do you know that anyone really loves you for yourself? It's like those rich men who are never sure why women sleep with them.
Nigel Bigelow: But women sleep with them, so it's not really a problem.
Isabel Bigelow: Oh, we're going to kiss aren't we?
Jack Wyatt: I thought so. But, thanks for ruining the moment Miss Narrator.
Nina: There must be a solution.
Isabel Bigelow: No, there isn't. We're at The Coffee Bean, and there is... no... solution.
Jack Wyatt: Umm... This is terrible.
Uncle Arthur: I know! I just... love to blend.
Answer: It was the stainless steel milk jug (creamer). She was nervous when he came to the table. She absent-mindedly put sugar in the cream and then drank from it. Look at her face when she sips it, she realized her error and put the creamer down.