House of Wax
House of Wax mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Carly locks herself in the truck, the owner throws to the ground the box holding the fan belt and a few other things, right beside the driver's side of the truck. In the next exterior shot, there is nothing on the ground. (00:50:50)

House of Wax mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Right at the start, when the woman says, "Why can't you be more like your brother?" the cereal the kid has changes position/amount between shots. (00:02:10)


House of Wax mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the scene when Paige and Blake are alone in the tent, there is a shot of Blake's cell phone sat atop a CD case, with the top line of the display showing the date and time and "NewVoiceMessage" below it. When the music stops and Blake runs out of the tent, the phone is seen in a different orientation on the CD case but still has the date/time as the top line. After Blake restarts the music, he then picks the phone up, which is still in its new position but no longer has the date/time displayed on the top line. (01:08:10 - 01:09:45)

Oliver Hunter

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Nick Jones: Ugh, Dalton, did you crap your pants again?
Dalton Chapman: What? No! I don't know, maybe. I am wearing my work clothes.

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More trivia for House of Wax

Question: Who was the guy (the roadkill guy) that drove them to the town? Wouldn't he know what was going on? If he did, what was his connection?

Answer: All we know is that he is the brother of Bo and Vincent. He's a mystery. A hint to a sequel maybe?


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