Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

Question: In the scene where Padme is giving birth, what is it that she says to Obi-Wan before she dies?

Answer: She says, "There is still good in him, Obi-Wan. There is still good."


Question: Do any important events happen between the end of Episode III and the beginning of Episode IV?

Sir William

Chosen answer: It depends on whether you choose to view the Expanded Universe (non-movie) stuff as part of the proper Star Wars "universe", but some important events include the start of the Rebellion, Han Solo rescuing Chewbacca from Imperial capture, Lando Calrissian losing the Millennium Falcon to Han, and of course, the capture of the Death Star plans by the Alliance. As of 2016 the events of Rogue One are documented on film, together with other new canonical novels, comics, TV series, etc., and the Expanded Universe has been disregarded.


Question: Is "Captain Antilles" (the officer whom Senator Organa orders to wipe C3PO's memory) the character "Wedge Antilles" in the original trilogy, or is he Wedge's father?

Answer: He's definitely not Wedge and most likely not his father. According to George Lucas "Antilles" is like the "Smith" of the Star Wars universe, it's very common. The interesting this is that in A New Hope C-3P0 says that his last master was Captain Antilles. This is most likely the man that we saw. He is also captain of the same model ship as the one that C-3P0 and R2-D2 escape from in A New Hope. It's probably the same ship, the Tantive IV.

Charles Fraser

Question: Obviously there's some background on the Sith Lords that isn't explained in the movie. There is the implication that they ruled before the Republic was established. Is there more to this backstory?


Chosen answer: The best place for this is the official Star Wars Databank: There's also a lot of information in Wikipedia:

Jon Sandys

Question: In the Attack of the Clones DVD commentary, Lucas promised that in this third movie we would finally find out who Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas is, and how he managed to place the order for the clone army without the Council's authorization. I didn't notice any explanation at all - was there one given?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: There was no explanation in the film. An explanation appears in the (authorised) book called, I think, Labyrinth of Evil, which was released shortly before the film and deals with events leading up to the events of the film. To sum it up, Sifo-Dyas was a respected Jedi who had become disaffected with the policies of the Jedi Council. Encouraged by his colleague, Count Dooku (by then secretly studying the Sith arts), he placed the order for the clone army before being killed by Dooku to prevent anyone from finding out about it.


Question: Was the number 1138 hidden somewhere in the movie? If so, does anyone know where?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: One of the commanders of the clone army has 1138 as his uniform number.


Question: When the Jedi Padawan saves Bail Organa from Commander Appo, why did one of the clones say "Don't worry about him, let him go"?


Answer: The clones are basically brainwashed at this point, with their sole purpose being Order 66. Since Bail is not a Jedi and is not a direct threat to their mission at hand, they decided to let him go. If there had been a commander with them (more trained in tactics than these expendable soldiers), perhaps a better decision would have been made.


Answer: Because they are currently at work and can't abandon their mission to go after him.

My point is when they let the Senator lives, the clones will think that the senator will tell his allies such as the Jedi.


Well the vast majority of the senators are controlled by Palpatine anyways. The Clones don't really know who is or isn't under his influence. And it still would not be a wise move on even Palpatine's part to have his troops start killing Jedi and Senators as well. This would create too much going agtainst him in the public eye when he already has to sell that the Jedi, renown protectors of peace, and seen as super heroe, that are now the enemy and were attempting to over throw the government.

Quantom X

Chosen answer: That's one way to look at it. The Sith sought to grow stronger, and when a potentially stronger apprentice comes around, the "upgrade" is too tempting to pass on.

Answer: I think Palpatine/Sidious had always plans, along with some alternate plans. He needed to be prepared in case things didn't happen as he wished. Maybe he intended for Darth Maul to be a placeholder for Anakin. After Maul was killed, Dooku was the new placeholder. However, there was also a chance that Anakin could be killed - maybe in a Clone Wars battle - or he might refuse to turn against the Jedi. Palpatine probably had something in mind for those situations.

Question: I know this is an opinionated question. Can someone give me the top 10 most powerful characters in Star Wars?


Chosen answer: It really is impossible to give a completely accurate list about this, as there are many meanings to the word "power", and no measuring unit for it.Anyways, these are just my opinions.Here's my attempt: 1. DARTH SIDIOUS/PALPATINE - He was able to use "force stealth" on the Jedi. Plus, he is the Dark Lord of the Sith. He was able to kill his master (Darth Plagueis) in his sleep. 2. YODA - The Grand Master of the Jedi Order. He can control the force lightning of Sidious and Tyranus. It was said that only Mace Windu, Count Dooku and Palpatine were able to fight with him on equal terms. 3. DARTH VADER - He is an extremely powerful in the force by lifting objects without using his hands, able to defeat Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi. 4. DARTH TYRANUS/COUNT DOOKU - A menacing Sith Lord and a rogue Jedi. Though old already, he was able to defeat Obi Wan twice and Anakin once. He could use a force lightning ability which Darth Maul and Darth Vader couldn't do. Sidious, Yoda and Windu are considered his equals.He was the swordsman in the galaxy. 5. MACE WINDU - A higher rank of the Jedi Order. Considered one of the greatest swordsmen ever produced by the Jedi Order. He was a master of all seven forms of lightsaber combat. He began his development of the deadly form of combat known as Vaapad. 6. OBI-WAN KENOBI - A wise and brave Jedi Master. He was the first one who kill a Sith Lord Ever. Aside from Darth Maul, he defeated General Griveous and the Pre Darth Vader version. He was able to appear as a force ghost after his death. 7. DARTH MAUL - Wielded a double bladed lightsaber and he was a skilled Zabrak warrior. Very fast in a lightsaber duel. He even resurrects in the Clone Wars Series. 8. LUKE SKYWALKER -The greatest Jedi of all time. He is able to redeem his father to the light, which Obi-wan couldn't do. 9. QUI-GON JINN - A maverick and wise Jedi master. He had used the Force to help and protect Anakin all the way. 10. ANAKIN SKYWALKER - The Chosen One and he was prophesied to destroy the Sith, which he did in the end. *HONORABLE MENTION* - GENERAL GRIEVOUS - though not knowing the ways of the force, he is a skilled lightsaber combatant. With four arms with lightsabers, he could block himself from blasters.


This needs an update. Merge Anakin with Vader since they're one and the same and add in Kylo Ren and Rey. New Order: 1. Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious 2. Yoda 3. Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker 4. Kylo Ren/Ben Solo 5. Rey "Skywalker" 6. Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus 7. Mace Windu 8. Obi-Wan Kenobi 9. Darth Maul 10. Luke Skywalker Honorable Mentions - Leia Organa, Qui-Gon Jinn, General Grievous.

Shawn M. Milburn

Sidious isn't the most powerful force user. Luke Skywalker, Mace Windu and Yoda overpowered him. Obi-Wan could probably beat him too. Sidious' powers lay in his secrecy and intrigue. Only that way he survived. Not his force use.


Question: Are Palpatine and Dooku's real first names known? They're not Dantius and Jard - those are "fanon" names made up by fanfiction writers. See and

Answer: Dooku's first name is currently unknown, however from the book Darth Plagueis we know that Palpatine's first name is Sheev.

Question: What are Palpatine and Dooku's first names?

Answer: Palpatine's first name was Sheev. Dooku is a mononym, like Cher or Madonna.


Answer: Dantius Palpatine and Jard Dooku, although these are only given in non-official documentation.


Question: Why did Obi-Wan go to Padme's apartment (as she told Anakin later) to discuss being worried about Anakin? He either doesn't know about their marriage, or he pretends to not know because Anakin would be expelled from the Jedi Order. In order to keep up appearances, it should be strange for him to visit her home.

Answer: He is hoping she knows where he is. He hopes to convince her to tell him so he can confront him.


The question is not about Obi-wan talking to Padme before the fight on Mustafar. It's about the off-screen visit, when Anakin asked Padme if Obi-wan had been to the apartment. She said yes, Obi-wan came by that morning because he was worried about Anakin. Why would he stop at her apartment if he "isn't supposed to know" that she is Anakin's wife?

Okay, my bad. Wasn't clear to me.


Answer: He tells them to draw out their lightsaber, to not delay, and just start the fight.


But he says, "We don't want to make a mess of things in front of the Chancellor," as if he is trying not to fight.

The "mess" I think he is referring to is the pointless debate they will go into if they don't simply start dueling. A few seconds later, he says, "I've been looking forward to this", so he always wanted to fight. You have to understand that Dooku knows Palpatine is his master, and he has been ordered by Palpatine to get Anakin over to the dark side. The only way for him to do that is to best Anakin in dueling, showing him the dark side is stronger. Little did he know.


That makes sense. If I remember correctly from a book, Dooku thought that he would kill Obi-Wan, then he and Palpatine would convince Anakin to join them. Although, not all of the books are canon anymore.

Question: After the battle on Mustafar, does Vader realise that he was wrong to accuse Padme on Mustafar (of bringing Obi-Wan to kill him)? I thought he obviously did, because he asks Palpatine if she is all right. However, some fans seem to think that he still believes he was betrayed. He only asked due to his remaining love for her. Is this clarified anywhere?

Answer: He hopes she is all right, mostly because of the baby(s) in her belly. He is the father after all. His anger caused him to hurt her, but he did not intend to kill her, since she is pregnant with his child. He says to Obi-Wan, "you will not turn her against me." So he believes she is misguided by his "enemies." Of course, he is really confused, angry, and traumatized at this point, so not much rationale can be expected of him. I don't think there was much of Anakin left at that point already.


Answer: My interpretation is: he "woke up" after the procedure with his new armour and realised that he should have listened to her. I don't know which books and graphic novels are still canon, but some show him reflecting on Padme, imagining conversations with her spirit, and visiting her grave. Some images will come up in a Google search.

Question: Did Obi-Wan at some point in the movie know Anakin and Padme were married? I read in the novel that she let him know about them, concerning Anakin while he was at her apartment.

Answer: When he told Padme that Anakin turned to the dark side.

Question: Did Obi-Wan fight alongside the rebels for some time after the Clone Wars?

Answer: Obi-Wan retreated, like Yoda, from public view to avoid being killed. He stayed on Tatooine to keep an eye on Luke. He didn't fight, but did keep contact with them, so to keep an eye on Leia as well.


Question: When Mace reflects the force lightning back at Palpatine, did it reveal his true form, or make him that way as a result?

Answer: It was as a result of the lightning over his face.


I do not believe Lucas has ever stated the cause, but it is most likely a combination of things. Palpatine was using a considerable amount of dark force power to hold Mace, and Mace was redirecting it back at him. He may have also allowed the disfigurement on purpose, to get more sympathy from Anakin. An out of left field idea is that this is how he has looked for a while, and Palpatine has been using the force to project a nicer image until it was no longer necessary.


There is no evidence in any of the Star Wars movies that dark force users change in appearance simply from using the dark side of the force, only scarred from facing hardships. His face got badly burned and scarred from the lightning redirected at him. Yes he did it on purpose to show his suffering to Anakin, but it didn't reveal his "true face" or anything. Darth Maul, Dooku nor Kylo Ren ever show any changes in appearance. Vader, Snoke and Sidious are all simply scarred.


He claims to the Senate that the Jedi attacked him, and he has the scars to prove it.

That's true too.


Why wasn't Mace scarred when he didn't have his lightsaber anymore and Palpatine used even more powerful force lightning?

Before he goes out of the window, you can briefly see he isn't when the lightning isn't in the way.

That's a good question. I'd say it wasn't as intense. Palpatine's exposure was quite intense and close to his face whilst Windu got it all over his body. As you know Luke was hit by lightning as well in ROTJ, but also more on his body and from a distance.


My strongest idea is that Mace's lightsaber had a lot of impact with the force lightning towards Palpatine, being up-close to him. I also think he did do it to be disfigured in appearance and gain more sympathy from Anakin under the impression that he was "weak," along with the the force lightning itself.

I also think the scarring story to the senate was an afterthought at some point, but he intentionally allowed the disfigurement with the force lightning for more sympathy along with the pain of the lightning itself.

Question: On Mustafar, why did Anakin think he was on the light side aside from the Jedi if he helped Palpatine earlier but now planned to overthrow him?

Answer: He's confused and becoming corrupted by the dark side. The dark side is making him see everyone as his enemy, including Palpatine.

People who do bad things don't always consider themselves as evil. Hitler and Thanos are good examples...they are doing what they think is best for the world, even if those things are unfathomable and largely considered evil. Anakin thinks he is becoming more powerful and in doing so, can save Padme. In his arrogance and with nobody keeping his emotions in check, he has become arrogant and believes he is the most powerful force user ever. He thinks he can make the world a better place and that the things he has done are to that end. Overthrowing Palpatine is part of the Sith way and would be a logical step for his current mental state.


Question: When Obi-wan Kenobi goes to the planet to fight General Grievous alone, shortly after he arrives he is in two places at once. He is sitting back in his ship talking to his droid before leaving and yet seconds later he has never left the planet. Can this be explained?

Answer: He set his plane on auto-pilot and then snuck off it before it took off to give the impression that he had left the planet.


Thanks for your response. Auto pilot had occurred to me and it must have been that way, it's just that that it all happens quick, in the blink of an eye.

Question: What kind of ship did Anakin use on his way to Palpatine's Office during the duel Palpatine had with Mace?

Answer: That's the DC0052 Speeder, nicknamed "Intergalactic." It's a vessel used by the Jedi Order and developed by Daystar Craft.


Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith mistake picture

Continuity mistake: On Utapau, when Obi-Wan faces off with Grievous, Grievous sends 4 MagnaGuards against Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan Force-pulls something from the ceiling to crush the droids. But in the ensuing fight between Obi-Wan and Grievous, the ceiling thing and crushed droids are gone.

More mistakes in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

Darth Sidious: [To Yoda.] I've been waiting a long time for this, my little green friend.

More quotes from Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith trivia picture

Trivia: In the scene where Darth Vader and the Emperor are looking out onto the unfinished first Death Star, keep an eye out for a young Grand Moff Tarkin (played by Peter Cushing in "Star Wars").

More trivia for Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

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