Trivia: A little nod to another Blue Sky Studios Production, "Ice Age". When Rodney is looking around Robot city, he comes across a red robot that plays hip-hop. As Rodney walks away nervously ("Uh, n-n-never mind"), pause the frame just before the shot changes and you'll see (on the left) a yellow, mechanical Sid. Sid is the sloth (and the main character) from "Ice Age". (00:15:25)
Trivia: Not a mistake as such, but interesting to note. When Rodney and Fender are in Fender's room, lying in the hammocks, look behind Fender on the wall. Behind him is a "robot" version of the 'American Gothic' painting from the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Trivia: When Rodney is trying to repair Bigweld on the crosstown express, Bigweld sings a slowed down version of "Daisy, Daisy" just like Hal 9000 when he is being shut down at the end of 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Trivia: James Earl Jones has one line in the film, as a hardware-store voice simulator: "The Force is strong with this one." - A bit of advance publicity for another Twentieth Century-Fox release, also starring Ewen McGregor and featuring robots prominently.
Trivia: The robot in the ticket booth when Rodney buys his ticket to leave Rivet Town picks his nose just after Herb says 'What instinct? He left a note. I'll be at the train station'
Trivia: The green robot in the Bigweld Show (the one with the jet pack) was the original model for Rodney.
Trivia: When Rodney is working on superbot, some of his five year old parts can be seen on the bed behind him, to the left.
Trivia: The piece with Rodney dancing on the chair near the start (because the Bigweld show was coming on) was based on a child of one of the production team doing a 'booty dance'