Flash Gordon
Flash Gordon mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The pilot hands Flash a People magazine to sign. When Flash sits down to autograph it, one can see it's already signed (seemingly from previous takes). Then he scribbles on the same spot again.


Flash Gordon mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Biro stabs the Imperial soldier with his sword, it's obvious that the sword is angled to miss his body. (01:30:50)

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Prince Vultan: GORDON'S alive.

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Trivia: Max von Sydow's costume for the Emperor Ming weighed over 70 pounds and he could only stand in it for a few minutes at a time.

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Question: Why did Prince Barron hate Flash so much? His burning desire to kill this complete stranger left me somewhat baffled.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Prince Barin was the fiance of Princess Aura, who took a shine to Flash. He was quite simply jealous.


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