Seed of Chucky

Seed of Chucky (2004)

4 other mistakes - chronological order

(4 votes)

Other mistake: When Tiffany runs behind Redman, it's far too obvious that it's a person in a costume. Tiffany suddenly appears to be nearly a foot taller than she should be.


Other mistake: When the acid falls on Pete Peters, it falls straight down and soaks his entire head, but only dissolves the skin on the left side of his head.


Other mistake: When Tony Gardner's body falls down, not only is it pretty obvious that it's just a dummy due to its unnatural movement, but you can see some "phantom blood" spraying from his lower back on the right side of the screen. (I'm assuming one of the blood tubes broke during the shot.)


Other mistake: During the opening dream sequence, as Glen begins to walk through the house, you hear it raining outside and can see rain outside the windows, except the front door windows, which show absolutely no rain whatsoever.


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Chucky: We're not from Japan! We're from Jersey.

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Answer: Have you ever SEEN demon doll DNA? It's creepy! Not at all like your 'normal' DNA. Now, if you have a Barbie and Ken doll having a kid, you'd get something nice like a P.J. Doll. You mix evil, twisted, Chucky with psychopathic Tiffany and all bets are off, baby-wise. I'm surprised that Glen turned out as well as he did! And with a Cockney accent?


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