Frankie: Sorry, pop. Lenny had a little accident. He was born.
Lenny: Ha ha. You're a comedy genius.
Sykes: Who's your Puff Daddy? Who takes care of you, huh?
Lola: The only thing I like more than money is... revenge.
Oscar: Sykes! My brother from another mother.
Sykes: Ernie! Bernie! I want you to find the deepest, darkest hole in the ocean, and when you do, dig deeper and put him in it.
Shrimp: You got served.
Giuseppe: It's a terrible thing. Everyone loved Frankie. May whoever did this die a thousand deaths. May his stinking, maggot-covered corpse rot in the fiery depths of Hell.
Don Lino: Thank you for your kind thoughts, Guiseppe.
Lola: Deep down, I'm really superficial.
Sykes: My brother, my player, the shark-slayer.
Oscar: He trips underwater. Now who in the halibut trips underwater? And by the way, on what?
Oscar: Ernie! Bernie! My jellyfish brothers! Booyakah.
Don Lino: Hey, Luca... Get Sykes. He knows that Reef better than anybody. I want to know all about this guy. I want to know what he does. I want to know where he eats. I want to know where he sleeps. He pops a gill, I want to know about it. Who is the Shark Slayer?
Oscar: Any shark that comes around in Oscar town is going down! I get poetic! In the heat I get poetic.
Katie Current: The Shark Slayer has done it again, this time luring two sharks into his death trap of hygiene.
Oscar: Yo that was crazy, right? Who knew? I mean it's all set, we good to go, we had the money. And he trips underwater. Who in the hell-o-but trips underwater? And by the way, on what?
Oscar: Sometimes I just be coughing for nothin'.
Katie Current: Are they gone? Are they gone?.. Are you sure?.. Good morning, Southeast Reef! This is Katie Current keeping it current! I just received confirmation that the sharks are gone. I repeat, the sharks are gone.
Katie Current: Oscar, are you going to continue working at the wash?
Oscar: Please, I barely work here now.
Angie: You don't have to live at the top of the reef to be somebody.
Answer: That's for you to interpret, but most likely she went swimming away screaming in terror, being chased by a crazy fish. Think "My Crazy Ex-Boyfriend" premise.