
Fandango (1985)

1 factual error - chronological order

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Factual error: In the beginning when the college grads are making drinks in the blender, they're using Citrus Hill orange juice. The movie takes place in 1971 and Citrus Hill wasn't on the market until the mid 80s.

Factual error: In the beginning when the college grads are making drinks in the blender, they're using Citrus Hill orange juice. The movie takes place in 1971 and Citrus Hill wasn't on the market until the mid 80s.

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Gardner: There's nothing wrong with going nowhere, son. It's a privilege of youth.

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Trivia: There is a scene where the characters are standing outside "Chuey's Bar & Grill," an old deserted bar. This bar is located about 10 miles west of Pecos, Texas on Interstate 20. Look for the bar to your left if you're headed westbound towards Toyah, Texas.


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