Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Question: At the end when Fudge, Percy and the rest arrived at the ministry why did Voldemort leave, since none of them are powerful enough to harm him?


Answer: Some of the most powerful wizards arrived at the ministry along with Fudge, among them a lot of Aurors. They hunt dark wizards like Voldemort and together they are certainly powerful enough to harm him. Dumbledore was still there as well.


Question: Why was Quidditch taken out of this movie entirely since it plays an important enough role in the book?


Chosen answer: It wasn't important enough to include it in the film. As the series overall plot line became darker and increasingly complex, adding the Quidditch scenes would only lengthen the movie's overall running time, it is repetitive, and would slow the action. Film makers can not include every detail from a book into a movie script. Characters, plot points, themes, are entirely eliminated, reordered, or incorporated in other ways.


Question: What were the Centaurs going to do with Umbridge once they carried her away?

Answer: It was never stated. In the books, they kept her prisoner until Dumbledore went into the forest and demanded that they release her, which they did.


Question: How did Professor Umbridge get enough power to fire teachers and punish students that she believed were misbehaving?

Answer: Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge is scared of Dumbledore and him being right about Voldemort being back. As such he passed Education Decree number 23 stating if Hogwarts can't find a suitable teacher, one will be appointed by the Ministry. As such, Umbridge is instated to help keep an eye on Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix. Other teachers are not happy with this spying and set out to make life as hard as possible for Umbridge. Due to this, Umbridge is given powers to inspect and remove sub standard teachers or teachers who have a close allegiance to Dumbledore and the Order.


Question: At Harry's trial there is a large mural behind Fudge. I have searched high and low but I can't find it anywhere, but I'm sure it is famous and that I've seen it before. Can you help?


Chosen answer: According to the Harry Potter wiki it is a depiction of a 5th Century Byzantine fresco (or indeed, mural), religious setting. As I read it the mural was made for the movie and is not a true historic piece.


Question: I don't understand Grawp. Is he mentally slow, is he at a young age for a giant, or is he older than a young child but can't speak human English?

Answer: Grawp was picked on by the other giants for being small by their standards. We're never told whether or not the giants have some kind of education system, but Grawp was either too busy being bullied to learn much until Hagrid rescued him, or they figured he was a runt and wasn't worth teaching since they expected him to die young.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: At the start of the movie, does the sky change because Harry gets angry or because the dementors were coming?


Chosen answer: The latter - the Dementors are on their way and they have that sort of effect on the environment around them.


Question: In this movie and HP7 part one, the Weasley family are called "blood traitors." What is that? This also occurs in the books too. Can someone tell me what that remark refers to?

Answer: Blood traitors are pure-blood families who consort with half-bloods, Muggle-borns and Muggles.


Question: Does anyone know how far Harry and Cho went when alone in the Room of Requirement? The book hints that they got further than mere kissing (half an hour passed and "Harry would take the secret of what happened in his grave").

Answer: They only snogged (made out). The snogging didn't take that long. Harry was in shock and had think for a long period of time about what happened before he was out of shock enough to go back to the common room. That's actually not what the book says, it says "Half of him wanted to tell them what had happened and the other half wanted to take the secret to his grave." The secret was that he snogged Cho which he ended up telling them because Hermione managed to guess it without him saying anything.

Question: Since Umbridge ordered the dementors to attack Harry in the opening of Order of the Phoenix, why isn't she punished or otherwise held accountable after it's revealed that she is responsible for the attack?


Chosen answer: It was never actually proved that Umbridge ordered the attack, and it is basically her word against Harry and the other students. Also, the Slytherin students would back up Umbridge's claims. The Ministry does not believe anything Harry or Dumbledore says anyway, discounting their claims that Voldemort has returned, that Sirius Black was innocent, that Peter Pettigrew (Wormtail) is still alive, etc, so it's unlikely they'll believe that Umbridge was involved in dementor attack.


Question: Can someone please tell me how to get to the "Half Blood Prince" sneak peek on the "Order of the Phoenix" DVD, because I've tried everything and cannot find it! Thanks.

Answer: Note: The following instructions apply to the Region 4 DVD. They may or may not apply to DVDs of other regions. Insert Disc 2 into a PC. Use InterActual DVD player if you have it, because the following instructions may or may not be relevant to other DVD players. After it has loaded, you will see the same menu you see on a normal non-computer DVD player. Beneath the screen, you should see some options: 'Extra Credit', 'Daily Prophet', 'Newsletter' etc. Click on 'Extra Credit', and a different menu will be shown on the screen. This menu has options 'Hogwarts Timeline', 'Magical Trading Cards', 'harrypotter.com' and 'Harry Potter Sneak Peek'. Choose 'Harry Potter Sneak Peek' and you will be shown another menu, where you are able to watch five videos. The first two videos are the HBP sneak peeks.


Question: Is the sneak peek of "Half-Blood Prince" accessible only with a DVD-ROM drive?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: Yes.


Question: Why can Harry only see the thestrals in his fifth year? He saw his parents die when he was a baby - I know there is an explanation I just can't remember it.

Answer: Harry never saw his father die. James Potter was in another part of the house when Voldemort murdered him. It's also unknown if Harry actually witnessed his mother's death. He was in his crib, and his view may have been obstructed. He only remembers seeing a green flash and hearing Lily scream. Also, because he was an infant, he could not interpret what he actually was viewing. One has to be consciously aware when seeing death. However, Harry should have been able to see the thestrals by his second year, after he witnessed Professor Quirrell's death in Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone, although he only witnessed his death in the film. In the book, he passed out before Quirrell died.


Answer: In reality, he should have been able to see them at the end of the fourth movie but off screen when they were catching the train home.

Question: How do the Death Eaters escape from Azkaban when it is very tall where the explosion happened/spell hit, and they don't (or shouldn't) have their wands?

Answer: Quite simply, someone else caused the explosion from the outside. Or for that matter, seeing how the Dementors have changed sides, it is not unlikely that someone was allowed to come in to Azkaban and break the Death Eaters out.


I think that Voldemort was the one who caused an explosion from the outside.

Question: This actually may not be on the movie, but it's bothering me: If the Ministry knows exactly when Harry conjures the Patronos spell, how come they can't tell when Voldemort uses the Avada Kedavra curse, which is supposed to be much stronger?

Answer: Only underage witches and wizards are monitored for using magic outside Hogwarts, and Harry in particular has always been closely watched. Any use of magic by him would immediately be noticed. It's not until the end of HP and the Order of the Phoenix that the Ministry of Magic finally acknowledges that Voldemort has returned. Until then they were not searching for signs of him. Also, Voldemort has supporters working within the Ministry who could have hidden evidence of his presence.


Question: When we see Harry Potter sleeping in bed on his first night back at Hogwarts he appears to be having a bad dream. He then wakes up and we see that Ron is watching him. Why was Ron watching him while he was sleeping?

Answer: Harry is having a nightmare and could have easily woken Ron. Upon being woken, Ron could have simply been watching in disbelief at how bad Harry's nightmare is.


Question: Hermione couldn't understand why Ron wouldn't wear what his mother made him for Christmas but I am curious, was Hermione wearing what Mrs Weasley made for her when they were walking down the stairs?


Answer: No, she's wearing her own sweater when going down the stairs.


Then why would she not get why Ron isn't wearing it when she isn't wearing her own gift from Mrs Weasley?

Ron has a long history of being embarrassed by his mother's rather odd homemade gifts. Unlike Hermione, because his family was poor, he had few options on what else he could wear. Hermione, being a guest, would not be expected to wear her gift at any particular time. She also thinks Ron is over-reacting.


Answer: She's seen a picture? Been given his description? There are any number of possibilities.

Answer: I'd say this is a deliberate movie mistake to provide plot exposition. Bellatrix was one of the Death Eaters who tortured Neville's parents into permanent insanity when Neville was a young boy. It's unlikely Bellatrix would recognize Neville on sight, but this reveals her involvement in the Longbottom family tragedy, and shows that Neville fighting Voldemort and the Death Eaters is personally motivated.


Answer: He looks like his father, wears similar clothes.etc.

Patrick Smith

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In the Forbidden Forest, HRH are introduced to Grawp. Just as the giant lifts Hermione off the ground, in the shot from behind her, Hermione's legs disappear below her calves; the digital lines are actually visible. Slow-mo is not necessary. (Only visible on fullscreen DVD.) (01:29:40)

Super Grover

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