Mysterious Island

Stupidity: When Elena first sees the huge honeycombs in the giant beehive, she tells Herbert that they cannot possibly be honeycombs as they are much too big. Considering she spent the morning watching pitched battles with a crab the size of an elephant and a five meter tall baby bird, don't you think she might have grasped the concept of giant animals, birds, and insects by that stage?

Continuity mistake: When the two men are carrying water up to their new cave home (via a home made elevator), one of the men is holding two buckets of water. In the shot where you can see the sea behind them, this man hands the second man a bucket of water, which he takes. In the very next shot, from inside the cave, the first man has both buckets and again hands the other man the bucket of water. (00:48:35)

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Herbert Brown: I ran away from a battle. I've been running ever since. I got caught running away.
Sgt. Pencroft: Son, your whole Union Army's been running from mine for the last three years. Now we're running away from you. You needn't feel special about it.

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