Eraser mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Kruger is figuring out which one of the three ID's that are fake, in the close-up shot you can see two different scales and a photograph on the table next to the ID's. When it cuts they are gone. (00:08:45)


Continuity mistake: You can see twice when bad guys are shot when the tape is cut and edited. The first one is when Arnold shoots the bad guy with the shot gun when looking for the blonde girl in the house, you can see just before he hits the picture on the wall that the tape is cut and replaced with the real guy instead of the dummy that was hit by the bullet. The second is at the end at the dock when Arnold has two of those really cool guns. He shoots a vehicle full of guys coming towards him and the vehicle blows up and flies over his head, and just before the vehicle blows up, you can see the cut & edit and then the car blows up and flies through the air. Undoubtedly replaced with a toy car that was blown up! (00:44:35)

Continuity mistake: When Robert is strangling his witness we see her grabbing onto the rug with her left hand. When it cuts she suddenly has her hand by Robert's waist. (00:43:55)


Continuity mistake: When Cullen enters the combination for the vault it cuts to the agents following her moves with one of them saying "Bingo." Look at the surveillance screen behind him and you should be able to see Cullen opening the vault door. When it cuts she opens it again. (00:14:30)


Eraser mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the beginning when Kruger lures one of the bad guys out by carefully opening the door, we see the bad guy go out the door pointing his gun up. When it cuts from outside he is pointing his gun forward. (00:03:10)


Continuity mistake: When Kruger is getting dizzy from the poisonous water he stumbles against a seat with both his hands down. When it cuts he suddenly has his right hand against the wall. (00:46:20)


Continuity mistake: When Donahue shoots himself in the head there is one shot where his eyes are closed. Then suddenly they are open. (00:19:40)


Eraser mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Arnold goes to the gay bar to solicit the help of the guy he saved at the beginning of the movie. The guy is wearing a white shirt and a vest black/gold lamay. During their conversation he takes off the vest, then it cuts to another bartender. When it cuts back the guy has the vest on, another shot and the vest is off again. (00:08:05 - 01:10:50)

More mistakes in Eraser

Tony Two Toes: We're from the local 129th, sonny.
Mikey: We heard you was loading a ship without the assistance of bonefide union labor. Say it ain't so.

More quotes from Eraser

Trivia: A projectile hitting the air at near the speed of light" (about 334,800,000 MPH) would instantly vaporise in a huge, blinding flash from the ridiculously intense frictional heating that would occur at such an enormous velocity in the atmosphere. The energy released would probably kill the shooter and anyone standing anywhere near him. Makes for a good movie effect though.

More trivia for Eraser

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