Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana: Without blood, without tears, there's no glory.
William Travis: In a few days, all of Texas will know of our situation.
James Bowie: Tell me, Buck, in Alabama, precisely how many is "a few"?
James Bowie: Sometimes... it's just the way you say things, Travis. That's all. I swear to God.
William Travis: One crowded hour of glorious life is worth an age without a name.
Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana: If we are not successful, our grandchildren and their grandchildren will beg for crumbs from the Americans.
David Crockett: We're gonna need a lot more men.
William Travis: Colonel, I became a little heated with you in front of your men. It was ill-advised and not terribly professional.
James Bowie: Don't worry about it. Most of my men didn't even understand the words you were using.
General Castrillon: Our twelve pound cannon arrives tomorrow. Why sacrifice our soldiers trying to take a wall that can be demolished?
Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana: General Castrillon, what are the lives of soldiers but so many chickens?
David Crockett: It's amazing what a little harmony will do.
Davy Crockett: If it was just me, simple old David from Tennessee, I might drop over that wall some night, take my chances. But that Davy Crockett feller... they're all watchin' him.
William Travis: Take that ball to Captain Dickinson. We can reuse it.
Sgt. William Ward: You'll be picking that up yourself.
Answer: Yes, the battle of San Jacinto really did last 18 minutes. Houston's army surprised the Mexican army while they were taking an afternoon nap.