13 Going On 30

13 Going On 30 (2004)

1 correction since 29 Jun '24, 05:40

(9 votes)

Corrected entry: At the end of the film Jenna asks Matt if he signed the release form for the photos they took for her redesign. He replies that he has not trusted Lucy since they were kids, implying that he didn't sign it. There is no explanation as to why the pictures are on the buses etc.

Correction: Jenna's boss tells Jenna that Matt signed a release.


They didn't explain why he signed it if he doesn't trust her.

Correction: This part never made sense and has bothered me for years! Why would he sign the release if he didn't trust Tom Tom and didn't speak with Jenna first?

Continuity mistake: When the six girls arrive for the party, in the first shot Tom-Tom tosses her blue jacket, then the second girl lays her red jacket and the third girl starts to put her pink jacket into Jenna's arms. Yet, at the start of the next shot facing Jenna, she holds only the blue jacket, since the red jacket is gone, the pink jacket is placed in Jenna's arms on top of the blue jacket and then the red jacket is thrown into her arms from off camera, before the rest of the girls dump their jackets into her arms. Then in Jenna's close-up, the jackets are positioned very differently in her arms. (00:08:15)

Super Grover

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Jenna: You are rude, and mean, and sloppy, and frizzy - and I don't like you at all.

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Trivia: Wrong places at the wrong times - the man who is hit by Jenna's thrown shrimp tail early in the party is the same one whose drink receives her dropped pina colado fruit.


More trivia for 13 Going On 30

Question: In the meeting scene where Richard tells the Poise team that they have to redesign the magazine, Jenna has a red thing on her finger that she keeps chewing and biting. What is it?

Answer: It's a Fruit Roll-up. She's wrapped it around her finger.


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