Enemy of the State
Enemy of the State mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The business card given to Dan Zavitz by Bobby Dean in the lingerie shop is not the same business card removed from his pocket by the agent after he gets hit by the fire truck (second timecode). The email address along the bottom of the card has changed, In the first shot, it's 'rdean@next.net' and in the second it's 'rdean@silverbergblake.com'. (00:25:00 - 00:26:45)

Continuity mistake: When they are going to kill the senator, the killer walks on one side of the dog, but when you look at the tape one of the guys has, the killer walks on the other side of the dog.

Continuity mistake: When Brill blows up his hideout, he is in his truck with Robert. In the background, the building collapses. The shot changes, then the next shot is of the same building collapsing, but from a different angle, even though the building has already collapsed.

Enemy of the State mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene in the lingerie store Will Smith is talking to a blonde assistant. She has a piece of her hair tucked up behind her ear, but as the shot changes her hair is down loose again. When the shot changes again the piece of hair is behind her ear again. This happens roughly about 3-4 times.

Enemy of the State mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Jason Lee gets out of his car to his video hutch, the driver's side window can clearly be seen to be 15 cms or so wound up. When he returns to the car with the incriminating tape in hand, the window is fully down.

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Robert Dean and Rachel Banks are having lunch in the diner, the mustard bottle is seen in two different places. It starts out to the left side of his plate, kind of behind the napkin dispenser. When she gives him the tape, it moves to the front of the dispenser. In the next shot it goes back behind.

Continuity mistake: When Dean is lying down in the back of the womens station-wagon, you can clearly see the driver's neck and hair. On a close-up of the driver, you can see that there is a head-rest in the way. On return to the wide shot, the headrest has obviously been removed.

Continuity mistake: When all of the politician's 'henchmen' are leaving 'the office' one of them is wearing sunglasses, that he did not previously have on in that scene.

Enemy of the State mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After nana picked up Will's kids and Will Smith is lying in the back of the car, look closely at nana's seatbelt. In the first shot it's on, in the next shot she doesn't wear it anymore and in next shot its on again.

Continuity mistake: In the beginning scene with Jason Robards and Jon Voight talking on the bench, there seems to be a difference in temperature between shots. When there is a close up of Jon Voight, you can see his breath in the cold air. When there is a close up of Jason Robards, no breath is visible at all.


Continuity mistake: When Dean is on the 17th floor, running from the NSA guys in the hotel, Mr. Wu's room number is 1721. But the NSA guys radio they're at room 1712, and it ends up being the one Dean and the Wus are in.

Continuity mistake: When Dean's wife is preparing to take their son to his friend's house, Dean is holding a bottle of wine near his shirt collar. In the following shot, the bottle is down near his chest.

Cubs Fan

Continuity mistake: The whole sequence after Brill blows up his building features changing skies. At first its partially cloudy, and then sunny with blue sky. Finally when they are going toward the highway, the sun is setting.


Continuity mistake: First time the NSA bugs Smith's home, the scene where they are putting the grill back over a air duct, the battery powered driver is turning to the left but the screw is screwing in, showing the shot has been flipped.


Continuity mistake: When Will Smith first escapes the ambulance he runs down a tunnel. There is little or no traffic, but when when the agents are closing in on the truck with the power washer, it is jammed nose to tail. Where did all the traffic come from? It wasn't busy enough to create such a small bottle neck of a traffic jam.


Continuity mistake: While in the burning car, we see the fire engulf Robert Dean's arm, up to the shoulder, as well as in his lap. But during shots from outside the car, there's no sign of him being engulfed in flames. Then in the last shot, his jacket is back on fire, but not as much.

Continuity mistake: At the Reynolds' residence, when Tom walks into the bedroom, his wife's hand is on her chin. In the close up shot of her asking if anything is wrong, her hand is no longer there and her arm is down, then in the next shot, her hand is back on her chin.

Continuity mistake: Towards the end, when Brill and Robert have bugged the Congressman's room, Robert has Babe in his hands, then it cuts away and back, and Babe is not in his hands but is behind him near the pillow of the bed.


Other mistake: When Will Smith checks into the hotel and his credit cards are invalid, we see that the time is 5:38 and it is daylight outside. The only problem with this is that it is supposed to be around December given all the Christmas decorations. It would be dark then in the Baltimore, not soaked with daylight.

More mistakes in Enemy of the State

Brill: You're transmitting. Get rid of your watch.
Robert Clayton Dean: My wife gave me this watch.
Brill: Then keep it.

More quotes from Enemy of the State

Trivia: Seth Green, who plays one of the main surveillance guys in the van, is not listed in the opening or closing credits. In addition, Tom Sizemore, who plays the mobster Paulie Pintero, goes uncredited.

More trivia for Enemy of the State

Question: Why does Thomas Reynolds want the telecommunications security and privacy act to be passed into law so bad that he has a congressman killed? To advance his career?

Answer: Yes, and to increase the importance of his agency.

David Mercier

More questions & answers from Enemy of the State

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