Question: In this movie Ashton goes back in his life to change the past. In his final "time travel" he goes all the way back to when he was a kid to tell Kaylee to stay away from him. This means that she would never make contact with him, the events with her and her brother would never take place, and since his lifeline is changed, he wouldn't have blackouts and he would have no need to write in his journals. But at the end of the movie it shows him throwing away all his stuff, including his journals, and setting it ablaze. If he changes his life, how could his journals have been written when there is no need for them? I'm a little confused about the whole journal thing so if someone could help me out, that'd be great.
Question: How come Kailey never actually cries? In every scene she never has tears but sounds like she does.
Answer: That would be a flaw with the actress.
Question: Does anyone know if it is possible to get the Theatrical Version of the film? I bought the Director's Cut and it was completely different and I actually preferred the Theatrical one, so is there any way to get it? I can't find it anywhere and apparently it is non-existent.
Answer: Has both versions in the set.
Question: In the entire movie all of the events that help Evan are there because he put them there when trying to go back. For instance when he goes back from when he was in prison he draws the drawing of him killing the two inmates. When he goes back to get the knife, he made himself do it. I couldn't understand where to put this in this website but if anyone could help me understand it would help my mind out greatly.
Answer: That's what the blackouts are all about. Its the future changing the present and because, for him, the future hasn't happened, he can't know about them.
Question: In the very ending of the theatrical cut, Evan walks past Kayleigh, but he doesn't do anything. My question is why doesn't he do anything? Every thing is alright in the 'present' he has created, so why wouldn't he try to meet her 'again', after all, he loves her.
Answer: That was just another typical nondescript boy who might have looked like Evan. Again, everything that we see after Evan's death sequence in his mother's womb is a result of his never being born. So it would be impossible for Evan to exist in any of those "flash-forwards" we see after Evan dies.
Question: In the timeline where Evan and Kayleigh were in college having a good life, where was Lenny? Why wasn't he there?
Answer: Lenny was probably not their friend anymore when they became part of the college fraternity and he didn't. He would probably respond to them like Thumper did.
True. Plus when I think about it, in the original timeline Lenny didn't grow up and was still living with his mom so thought that's where he was.
Question: Why does Kaitlin have the horrible scar on her face after Evan saves the dog? She didn't have a scar before, even though she got hit quite hard.
Chosen answer: The time that Evan goes back and saves the dog, she gets hit in a different way and her cheek is split open - hence the scar. In the "original" timeline, she got hit in the head, not the cheek.
Are you making an educated guess? How could you possibly know that she got hit in a different way on her cheek if they don't show that in the movie?
They are not making an educated guess at all. In the original timeline, her brother struck her in the side of the head, she bled/was injured but no visible scar. In the altered "blackout" timeline when he goes back and tries to save everything/fix it, somehow it shows Kayleigh getting hit in a different spot. When her brother swung, it smacked her in the side of the face instead of the head, splitting her cheek wide open, leaving a visible injury/scar later on. It was most definitely shown to us.
Answer: They are not making an educated guess at all. In the original timeline, her brother struck her in the side of the head, she still bled and was injured but no visible scar. In the altered "blackout" timeline when he goes back and tries to save everything/fix it, somehow it shows Kayleigh getting hit in a different spot. When her brother swung, it smacked her in the side of the face instead of the head, splitting her cheek wide open, leaving a visible injury/scar later on. It was most definitely, 100% shown to the audience, when her brother struck her differently. Lol.
Answer: First of all you need to remember that this sequence started right after Evan makes that big scene by using some sharp object on those two criminal brothers in prison to get his journals back from them. Now later when Evan is able to save the dog, he wakes up in his bed and starts bleeding as a repercussion from storing all those years of memory of this new reality at once, but the flashes that are shown when he wakes up are actually the flashes about how the reality changed after he saved the dog and Kayleigh's brother dies instead. In one of those scene it is shown that the grown up mentally disturbed Kayleigh asks for a lift and those same two criminal brothers are shown in the car she gets inside. So we can assume that the line of business she is shown in later and those scars she has is actually due to her getting along with the wrong people.
You can actually see in the scene where he saved the dog, Kayleigh's cheek was split open.
Question: How was Evan writing about the moments that happened during the blackouts if they were in fact blackouts, and he didn't remember what happened at those times?
Answer: He writes about what happened immediately before and after the blackouts, and when he flashes back, his mind fills in the gaps and allows him to manipulate the events.
Answer: Both because he has sickened his body from changing time so much and out of the shock and stress of how he is now an amputee.