Lily Marton: With Tony in mind, we naturally visualize a light and intimate show. But, we want to give him a chance to play a charming guy with just enough plot to make him do lots of gay and varied numbers.
Jeffrey Cordova: Order me a corned beef sandwich, will you? Lean, now. No fat. No grizzle. Oh, and a cream soda and a pickle.
Tony Hunter: Oh, sweetie, I just want to say that no matter what happens tonight, its been.
Gabrielle Gerard: I know, Tony, its been that for me too.
Gabrielle Gerard: The show's a big hit, Tony... It's going to run for a long time.As far as I'm concerned, it's going to run forever.
Lily Marton: I knew that you could say it so beautifully.
Jeffrey Cordova: Oh, Lily, you splendid animal.
Lester Marton: Hey, take your hands off my wife and let's get down to business.
Jeffrey Cordova: You used the phrase 'he sells his soul to the Devil', now that's the line you have to carry straight through. Just like Faust, this man is tempted by the Devil and his compromise, his sell out, must end in eternal damnation.
Lester Marton: That'll leave 'em laughing.
Tony Hunter: Will you have a cigarette?
Gabrielle Gerard: No, thanks. I don't smoke.
Tony Hunter: Never?
Gabrielle Gerard: Well, I don't think that dancers should smoke.
Tony Hunter: Oh, I see.