
Other mistake: While in Chuck's Cafe, a creepy shadow of a woman enters the camera view and it seems that she is playing the jukebox. No music ever plays in the place. (00:32:00)

Wendy D

Visible crew/equipment: When Dennis Weaver is in the cafe a shadow of a cameraman is cast across the table he is sitting at. The shot then changes to a wider angle to reveal that there isn't anyone near him who could have cast that shadow.

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David Mann: Come on you miserable fat-head, get that fat-ass truck outta my way.

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Trivia: Steven Spielberg "interviewed" over 100 trucks before finding the forboding, evil looking one for the movie.


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Question: Where was David Mann actually going? And where from? As in, which states? He seemed to be travelling for hours even before he met the truck and seemed to have a long way to go yet.


Chosen answer: The movie opens with him in downtown Los Angeles, California, so he's probably from there or somewhere in Southern California. He's heading to Bakersfield, California, which is north, about 2 hours away. In the short story, he's heading to a client in San Francisco. However, in the film he gets off the main freeway running from LA to Bakersfield (IH-5) and takes Highway 14 towards Canyon Country.


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