Alien 3

Question: How come it takes so long for the alien in Ripley to burst out? Every other movie the alien comes out within a day and here it seems to take way too long.

Answer: It was most likely just been implanted when the ship landed or being a Queen Mother would take longer to incubate.

Question: Assuming that Ripley wasn't infected with the queen before ending upon fury 161, would the facehugger implanted the queen embryo into the dog/ox or use one of the prisoners assuming it can choose which embryo to deposit first.

Darth Crucible

Answer: It could be the Facehugger either has a short life span or a short period of time to lay her egg.

Continuity mistake: Any shot of the alien which isn't made using a guy in a suit has a green glow around the alien's body but any guy-in-a-suit shots do NOT have a green glow.


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Murphy: What kind of animal would do this to a dog?

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Trivia: Originally, the movie was going to be shot by cinematographer Jordan Cronenweth, but Cronenweth suffered Parkinson's Disease midway through filming and was let go by the line producer, being replaced by Alex Thomson. However, impressed by Cronenweth's work, David Fincher later worked with Cronenweth's son Jeff in nearly all of his future movies, resulting in two Academy Award nominations.

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