Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Question: Regarding Mad Eye Moody. 1: Why is he drinking a polyjuice potion in front of Harry in the classroom? 2: Why does it starts storming in the great hall when Mad Eye Moody enters? Does this has anything to do with it being the wrong Moody? 3: Was Barty Crouch killed by Moody? If yes, did Barty senior know it was his son?


Chosen answer: 1. Because nobody knows it's polyjuice potion, and it's not suspicious at all for Mad-Eye Moody to drink from his own flask. 2. It's a storytelling technique called foreshadowing. So while, in the movie's world, the storm has nothing to do with this Moody being an impostor, within the context of the film as a storytelling medium it does. 3. Yes, Barty Sr. was killed by Barty Jr. Barty Sr. was breaking down mentally from spending so long under the Imperius Curse. In his brief moments of sanity, he was able to connect the dots and figure out that what his son was up to.


Answer: Moody attacking the ceiling was also a way to showcase his paranoia.

Question: If Fred and George were thrown out of Dumbledore's Age Line for submitting their own names into the Goblet, shouldn't have Moody been thrown out for submitting Harry's?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: One, Moody was of age; so the age line would have had no effect whatsoever on him. Two, if "Moody" was able to fool the Goblet, a powerfully magical object, into announcing a fourth entrant into the Triwizard Tournament, it seems reasonable that he would be able to get past any protection Dumbledore may have put in place.


Answer: Ron having a horrible time and berating her for being "with the enemy" had her upset. Plus the fact that there is a growing attraction between the two that has been evident since the second movie, she feels that he should have seen her in a different light and not just a "convinience" date to ask at the last minute.


Answer: Hermione does tell Ron that the next time there is a ball to work up the courage and ask her before someone else and not a last resort.

Question: Just after Dumbledore announces the Triwizard Challenge, there's a short scene where Igor Karkaroff slips into the deserted Great Hall where the Goblet of Fire is kept. It wasn't Igor who put Harry's name in the goblet, and Viktor Krum submitted his own entry. Obviously the audience was being led to believe that Igor may have been involved in the plot against Harry (he wasn't), but what was the real reason he went in there?


Answer: It was Barty Crouch Jr. He used the polyjuice potion to disguise himself as Igor. I believe he did this because he was originally labelled as a Death Eater. As a result, Igor was put on trial and before he was sentenced, Igor gave the Ministry Barty Jr's name, so then he was sent to Azkaban. For revenge, Barty Jr used to potion to disguise himself as Igor so if he was caught messing with the goblet, he would be questioned, due to his past (seeing as what happens at the end). That way, Barty would be remained undetected and could carry on fleeing the Ministry.

I like this answer best. It makes sense.


Chosen answer: There is no reason. In the books this scene does not occur, so the idea behind putting it into the film is purely to mislead the audience.


Answer: Because Igor wanted Viktor to get into the tournament so he put Viktor's name in again so he could raise his chances of getting picked.

Question: If Crouch used the polyjuice potion to be certain people, how was he able to take their voice as well? When Harry and Ron used the potion before, they kept their normal voices.

Answer: In book two it states that the voices DO change.

To quote from chapter 12 as read by Stephen Fry: "Are you two OK?" Goyle 's low rasp of a voice issued from his mouth.

Answer: This is never covered in the book either, but Crouch was a fully trained wizard while Harry and Ron are not. It's not unreasonable to think that there is a spell that allows you to imitate voices perfectly. There were candies in the last film that made people sound like monkeys and lions. A voice spell wouldn't be that different.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: In the books, the polyjuice potion changed the person's voice as well as the physical appearance of the person who was impersonating someone else. The movies made a decision to have Ron and Harry keep their own voices, presumably so the audience could more easily keep track of which one was Goyle and which one was Crabbe. The other characters using polyjuice varied on whether or not they kept their original voices. Crouch Jr.'s voice was the same as the real Mad Eye's. When Hermione impersonated Bellatrix LeStrange, she sounded like herself. This really comes down to movie-making logistics. If Crouch kept his own voice, then the movie makers would have had to dub David Tennant's voice over all of Brendan Gleeson's dialogue.


Answer: In the movie Barty Jr (as Moody) imitates voices, including Hagrid's. When Harry returns from the graveyard and Barty Jr takes Harry into his office or living area.

Answer: She had been dancing for a long time and her foot hurt, so she took her shoe off to rub her foot.

Answer: Because she had been standing on them for hours and her foot hurt.


Answer: Her foot was hurting. She had her shoes on for a long time. Or maybe Krum stepped on her toes a lot and it hurt.

Answer: Because her feet hurt after dancing in her shoes for hours. Even though some pairs may hurt their feet, many women will tolerate the pain and getting blisters in order to wear them for as long as they can.


Answer: It is also possible that her foot cramped up.

Answer: Because she was angry and her leg hurt.

Question: I couldn't understand it while watching the film: is the "U" In Victor Krum's name pronounced as an "Ah" (Kram) or as an "OO" (Kroom)?

Answer: Closer to the latter. If you pronounce it to rhyme with "drum", you'll be pretty close.


Question: In the scene when Harry is packing his trunk at the end and Dumbledore is talking to him about setting the curtains on fire, does anyone know what is written on the top section of the four-poster bed?

Answer: Roman numeral GXXV (Gryffindor 25).


Question: After the second task Harry has a reddish mark on his face and down his neck. Anyone have any idea what this could be?

Answer: They are from the attack by the grindylows just before Harry left the Black Lake. Fleur Delacour has the same type of marks on her neck and shoulders when she goes to help Gabrielle up onto the platform.


Question: Why did Voldemort go to all the trouble of having Barty Jr. transform into Mad Eye etc. when he could have simply made anything into a port-key and arranged for Harry to touch it?


Chosen answer: Voldemort's intention was to return via the same portkey in front of the assembled crowd and make his return immediately known in a very public fashion. In order to do so, he needed to wait for the crowd to be assembled. Crouch's job was to ensure Harry got to the portkey first.


Answer: Voldemort had no intention of returning using the portkey. He wanted to kill Harry and have only about a dozen Death Eaters know of his return. Getting the prophecy would be simple as the Order wouldn't have been reassembled. Getting the giants on his side would be done without interference. Breaking others out of Azkaban would be next. He could do so much more without interference from the Order. Harry wasn't supposed to survive and thus warn Dumbledore.

Question: At the beginning of the movie, Peter asks Voldemort if they can perform the ritual without Harry. Why? Does he now feel bad for betraying Harry's parents?

Answer: There are several reasons here. Peter Pettigrew regretted betraying the Potters and knows he is a lowly coward for having done so and for obeying Voldemort out of fear. He also knows that Harry spared his life during the confrontation in the Shrieking Shack (in Prisoner of Azkaban) when Lupin and Sirius were about to kill him. Because of Harry's mercy, Pettigrew is now magically bound to Harry with a life debt. In the books, this will later cost Pettigrew his life when he hesitates to kill Harry (in Deathly Hallows) and his silver hand instead fatally strangles him for defying Lord Voldemort.


In the movies, Pettigrew NEVER regretted betraying Harry's parents and, on the contrary, was actually proud of doing so.

Where did you get that idea from? He is a coward and cowardice controls him. Not pride.


It is mentioned on the internet sites like TV Tropes, Villains Wiki, and Pure Evil Wiki. These sites mention that movie version of Pettigrew is far more evil than his book version.

None of those sites indicate he was proud of what he had done or does. They just mention the movies don't show Peter having regrets like he does in the books. Doesn't mean he doesn't have it. We see very little of him in any of the movies anyway. He is still only known as a coward and nothing more of him is shown than that.


In the books, he betrayed James and Lily out of cowardice, while in the films, he betrayed them willingly.

Answer: Barty Crouch, Jr, masquerading as Mad-Eye Moody, put Harry's name in. He explicitly tells him so at the end before being captured by Dumbledore et al.

Question: When Harry, Ron, and Hermione are on the train to Hogwarts, the trolley of food comes by and Ron asks for two items but then changes his mind and only gets one. Was there something specific that made him not want the second item?

Answer: Ron realised he didn't have enough money to pay for both. The Weasley family was poor, and Ron often had to do with much less than his peers. This sometimes caused friction between him and Harry, whose parents had left him a small fortune.


Question: After Harry's name has come from the Goblet Hermione says, 'Come on Harry.' Then she says something that sounds like, "Harry f**king dizzy"! What does she actually say?

Answer: "Harry, for goodness sake!"

Answer: I just watched the clip on YouTube. Hermione says, "Go on Harry. My goodness."


Answer: They probably think Cedric is cute and look at each other to see if the other one thinks the same.


Both definitely think Cedric is cute and are acknowledging that to one another, possibly hoping he will be interested in return.


Question: How exactly does Crouch Sr. Recognize his son disguised as Moody after the second task? Was it a scar or other facial blemish?

Answer: Crouch Jr. had a particular habit of flicking his tongue in an unusual way when speaking. When the fake Mad Eye Moody (Crouch Jr) did that, Crouch Sr noticed it and became suspicious. This is actually an overused plot device where a character has some odd manner or trait that gives away their true identity.


Answer: Plus the fake Moody said to Crouch, "not trying to lure Potter into a ministry internship are we? The last boy who went into the department of mysteries never came out."

Answer: Because she's afraid Harry might die. The Triwizard Tournament is extremely dangerous and champions had been killed during it in the past. Only students 17 years old and over were allowed to compete, but due to the unusual circumstances, Harry was forced into the competition, even though he was underage. Hermione also suspects that there is an evil plot going on, further endangering Harry.


Chosen answer: Because both of them are former Death Eaters who have the Dark Mark branded on their arm. Karkaroff's was getting stronger, so he kept trying to talk to Snape to get information if he had any, as he was convinced that Snape was still a Death Eater (as we saw in the book in the trial scene). Karkaroff was terrified of the prospect of returning to Voldemort, as he had betrayed several Death Eaters to the law when he was caught.

Question: When Harry returns with Cedric's body, and the students are in the stands, shocked and saddened, who is the girl standing to Neville's right? Pretty girl with long strawberry blonde hair and bangs. My husband thinks it's Susan Bones.

Answer: The girl is not identified. If it is Susan Bones, it's a different actress playing her. Eleanor Columbus, daughter of director/producer Chris Columbus, played Susan Bones in the first two Harry Potter films. The Susan Bones character is not in the cast listing on IMDB for HP and the Goblet of Fire. This looks like Hannah Abbott of Hufflepuff, who was played by Charlotte Skeoch.


Question: When the fake Professor Moody is in his office with Harry, revealing everything he did, Dumbledore charges into the room with Professors McGonagall and Snape. All three of them are prepared to attack when they enter. How did they figure out that something was wrong?

Answer: When it was noticed that Harry was missing during the commotion surrounding Cedric's death, someone in the crowd saw Moody leading Harry away and tipped off Dumbledore. Dumbledore knew that the real Moody never would have taken Harry away like that without telling anyone. Also, Snape is a legilimens (able to read minds) and would be able to "hear" Harry and Moody's thoughts.


Answer: If we look closely at the scene where fake Moody takes Harry away, Fred and George are looking at them. It is quite likely that they informed Dumbledore who instantly became suspicious.

Answer: Adding to the other point, you wouldn't take a child who mentioned Voldemort's return away without the inquiry so Dumbledore must have realised that Moody was trying to get Harry away from the situation.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Straight after the second task Hermione wraps her own white towel round Harry, but between shots it jumps back to her shoulders, then back to Harry's several times. (01:35:05)

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Trivia: Tom Riddle's day of birth and death that is on the grave had to be digitally changed, after the director knew that "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" contains information about Riddle.

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