Scary Movie 3
Scary Movie 3 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When we get to the presidents office there is a cup with golden edges on the table. A few cuts later the cup is switched with another cup. (00:49:35)


Continuity mistake: When Mahalik hands over the shovel to George you see him holding a shovel as well. But the way Mahalik is holding the shovel changes between the shots. First the handle points forwards and in the next shot the handle points backwards. (01:03:00)


Continuity mistake: When Pamela says "when the phone rings this really scary voice..." you can see that the way Jenny is looking at Pamela changes in the next shot. (00:01:20)


Scary Movie 3 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Brenda's father breaks the chair on Mahalik's back, all the pieces from the chair visibly fall behind Mahalik. In the next shot, Mahalik picks up a piece of the chair, which is now in front of his knee. (00:32:50)


Continuity mistake: When in the cellar, Cindy reaches for a knife then looks into it, to see her reflection, and brushes her hair with her other hand. But in the next shot her hand is way back from her hair and is resting on the door. (01:01:30)


Continuity mistake: When they are in the cellar you see Cindy reaching for a knife. On the same table as the knife you can see different items. A pincers, a grindstone, a screwdriver and so on. In the next shot you can see all these items are replaced by similar but yet different items. The grindstone in the next shot are larger than the other. The pincers in the next shot are smaller than the other and so on. (01:01:25)


Scary Movie 3 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Cindy arrive at the lighthouse we can from distance see the entrance in to the lighthouse is surrounded by rocks. But when Cindy gets there, no rocks are seen. (00:51:20)


Scary Movie 3 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The big tub of ice cream that Brenda and Cindy were eating turns itself around, and its lid closes properly, from when Cindy places it down to when Brenda leaves the room. (00:22:25 - 00:23:55)


Continuity mistake: When Cindy is walking with her boss and she says, "The report on...," you see her boss turning against her. In the next shot, he turn against her again. (00:06:40)


Audio problem: When reading the dummy board Giggins says, "GUORSN BLKN." Understandable he skips saying the symbols "(,,", but he also skips saying, "18", before saying, "Four six nine." (00:49:10)


Audio problem: When George beats Cody with a baseball bat in the cellar, Cody continually goes 'Ooh' and 'Aah', but his mouth movements don't match up with moaning. (01:02:10)


Continuity mistake: In the scene where Tom is talking to his wife right after he tells her to into the light, she swings her head and all her hair goes away from her face. Then it cuts and there is hair in front of her eyes which she blows away. (00:30:10)


Continuity mistake: Just as the president introduces the symbol of merit, you see Wilson lifting the blanket up. When it cuts he lifts it again. (00:55:55)


Deliberate mistake: When Cindy is leaving the elementary school and doesn't realize she leaves Cody, she drives for awhile (about 300 feet or so), she's talking and she keeps driving when she realizes Cody isn't in the car, it zooms to the exterior of the car and it shows it stop, then she backs up and the school is only like 40 feet away. (00:12:15)

kurt hudson

Scary Movie 3 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When George is going to his rap battle, when he gets on the bus and the doors close on his face, his hat falls off, but when the scene cuts and shows him again, his hat is on.

Revealing mistake: After the hoods' shootout, if you look at the guy lying closest to the camera and the guy on whom the girl is lying, you can see from their jackets that they are breathing. (01:04:50)


Scary Movie 3 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Cindy enters the room as Cody is drawing, there's a wide shot of the table, and you can see the crayons around a pile of paper on the table. She then picks up the pile of paper, and as she picks it up, the crayons around the pile are different. (00:12:45)


Scary Movie 3 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Brenda's hand sets on fire there is no magazine on the pillows behind them. When it cuts suddenly a magazine appears. (00:23:35)


George: You just hate me 'cause I'm black.

More quotes from Scary Movie 3

Trivia: When Cindy and the rapper guy are fighting the Ring girl, the president walks in and says, "I just want to wish you both good luck. We're all counting on you." and then he walks out. This is a joke from "Airplane" where Leslie Nielsen is the doctor. He says the same line. The reason it is in the movie Scary Movie 3 is because the director of Airplane also directed this.

More trivia for Scary Movie 3

Chosen answer: It made him look like a KKK member (they wore pointy white hoods) and then he gave what looks like a Nazi "Heil Hitler" salute.


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