Die Hard: With a Vengeance

Factual error: When McClane and Zeus take the little hatchback from the bank location, they run up the ramp by the Brooklyn Bridge and McClane looks to see the dump trucks aren't on the bridge. Zeus then spots them on FDR Drive and they speed off down the ramp to FDR Drive. The ramp they were on doesn't connect to the ramp they took to give chase. It only heads towards City Hall or over the bridge. They'd have to take the Civic Center ramp, do a u-turn under the Brooklyn Bridge approach then head back up the ramp to FDR Drive.


Factual error: This film perpetuates the Hollywood myth that being shot in the upper leg is a minor inconvenience and will leave you with a slight limp and not much else. Simon shoots Zeus in the thigh with a Heckler and Koch MP5K from a range of about a metre. That would almost certainly shatter his thigh bone and rip through his femoral artery. In the unlikely event that Zeus was lucky enough to avoid any such injuries, he wouldn't be walking anywhere for months.

Factual error: When the collected bad guys are at the "North of the Border" truck stop, a subtitled henchman tells Jeremy Irons that the helicopter will be ready in ten minutes. But the confused fellow actually says, "in zwanzig minuten," which means TWENTY minutes.

Factual error: When Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson are in the minivan with the feds, the bad guy rings up. This call is taken on an old Motorola flip phone. They plug it into something to make it hands free loud speaker. The thing they plug it into is actually the house charger that comes with the phone, it doesn't have a loud speaker and it's also mains voltage. You can even see the spare battery in the second slot at the back of the charger and the red LED flashing to indicate that the battery is charging.

Factual error: In the North of the Border scene when McClane's helicopter makes an emergency landing you can see a Giant Food trailer in the background. They are supposed to be in Canada, but this grocery store chain is located in the Mid-Atlantic states. This scene was actually filmed in Jessup, MD where Giant has its headquarters.

Factual error: I'm afraid John and Zeus are in for a very nasty surprise when John uses a few drops of the binary explosive to blow apart Zeus's handcuffs. We know the explosive is sensitive to shock or impact, like nitroglycerine - we see samples being detonated by being hit. So, when John detonates those few drops it will set up an adiabatic shock wave, and since the binaries have mixed at this stage that is going to set the whole lot off. It's called a sympathetic explosion. Those two tiny drops are certainly enough - they couldn't possibly cut hardened steel if they weren't.

Factual error: The entire plot is based on the idea that they're going to steal $140 billion worth of gold. At a gold price of $300/ounce, that's 14,500 tons of gold - how's the suspension on those dump trucks? There's no way trucks like those could carry over 1,000 tonnes each, but Simon tells McClain there is $13 billion worth of gold in the back of McClain's truck.

Factual error: The security guard at the vault door fires a few shots from his handgun (about 6) down the hall towards Simon and the other terrorists. He then loads one of the shotguns and calls for help. After finding that the front guard was a terrorist he fires 14-15 rounds from the same shotgun before he is killed. The problem is that it was a Remington 870. Like most shotguns that size they only hold 8 rounds, or 9 if one is chambered.

Factual error: Typical for action movies. Willis and Samuel L. Jackson couldn't have possible survived the explosion of the ship being in the water or not. If the heat didn't get them the pressure wave would have.

Factual error: A picky, only-a-New-Yorker-would-care point: When Bruce Willis goes down into the subway, it's supposed to be the 1/2/3 lines (West Side trains). The station filmed is actually the 8th Street stop on the N/R (Broadway) lines; it's right by NYU.

Factual error: When you see McClane and Zeus being chased by the Germans in the pickup truck, you figure they're being chased somewhere around the Henry Hudson Parkway because you see all the trees. After they kill the Germans and McClane is "interviewing" the dead ones, you can see behind Zeus the exit 29 sign for Greenwich/Lake Ave., which is actually located on the Merrit Parkway about 20 to 25 miles away, north of the city. When McClane picks up the quarters again, you can see the exit sign again.


Factual error: This film perpetuates the Hollywood myth that being shot in the upper leg is a minor inconvenience and will leave you with a slight limp and not much else. Simon shoots Zeus in the thigh with a Heckler and Koch MP5K from a range of about a metre. That would almost certainly shatter his thigh bone and rip through his femoral artery. In the unlikely event that Zeus was lucky enough to avoid any such injuries, he wouldn't be walking anywhere for months.

More mistakes in Die Hard: With a Vengeance

Zeus: Didn't I hear you say you didn't even like your brother?
Simon: There's a difference, you know, between not liking one's brother and not caring when some dumb Irish flatfoot drops him out of a window.

More quotes from Die Hard: With a Vengeance

Trivia: Someone asked: Has anyone EVER figured out the math to that damn water-in-a-bottle-diffuse-the-bomb riddle? I actually have, in case anyone's wondering about it. If I remember right, they've got a 5, a 3, and they need 4. Fill the five, tip it into the 3, leaving 2. Empty out the three, and put the 2 in it. Then fill the five, and use that jug to fill up the remainder of the 3, which will leave 4 in the 5 gallon jug. Another possible way to do this: You fill up the 3 and tip these three gallons into the 5. Then you fill up the 3 and use this to fill up the 5. This leaves you with one in the 3 and five in the 5. Then you empty the 5 and tip the one from the 3 over, then fill up the 3. Then you've got three in the 3 and one in the 5. After you've tipped over the three this will leave you with four in the 5.

More trivia for Die Hard: With a Vengeance

Question: I always wondered about this. As a cop, McClane knew about weapons. While handing over the machine gun to Zeus, he explained how it worked. But he did not tell Zeus to switch the safety catch off. How on earth could McClane forget to tell something crucial like that? Zeus isn't even pissed about it later on, while it could have cost him his life.


Answer: And Zeus mentions about brothers knowing how to shoot guns.

He said it was racist to assume that brothers know how to shoot guns. He admitted he didn't know how to use that model.

Chosen answer: A simple omission, in the heat of the moment he forgot to mention it. He may have thought, since he just took the gun off an enemy, that the safety was already off.

McClane probably did that intentionally as Zeus didn't know much about guns. In fact, you hear McClane say "Don't be a hero, you find him, you come get me."

Of all the possible answers, this is definitely not the one. There's no way he handed him the gun and then purposely did not tell him that the safety was engaged. There would be no point in that.


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