Gen. Esperanza: Freedom.
[John McClane appears and punches him in the face.]
John McClane: Not yet.
McClane: Hey, don't I know you?
Col. Stuart: No, I get that a lot. I've been on TV.
McClane: Yeah, me too.
John McClane: Hey Carmine, let me ask you a question. When you go through the airport metal detector, what sets it off first? The lead in your ass or the shit in your brains?
[John is pointing his gun at General Esperanza after he hits him.]
John McClane: You're supposed to stay in your seat until the plane reaches the terminal. No frequent flier mileage for you.
Answer: Because the police were moments away from arriving at the scene. They needed as much time to get away without being tracked. Every moment counts. And a target rocking about a few hundred feet in the air doesn't seem to be such an "easy target".