Deep Impact

Deep Impact (1998)

1 correction since 29 Jun '24, 05:40

(14 votes)

Other mistake: How can it be named Wolf-Beiderman? Wolf never sent the email, and even if it did go, once the network was restored, he never called it Wolf-B before writing it on the floppy label. The president says both were killed in the crash. So, they invent an astronomer working at the observatory and no one notices? Remember, the floppy was destroyed in the fire. Wolf never called anyone; he was killed while trying to make a call. Maybe the pics were also burned. Mr. Perry never followed up?


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Suggested correction: We didn't see him send the email, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. We know he sent it because it's stated that's what happened.

Deep Impact mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During a scene where the boss of the TV station is talking to his staff, when he finishes he takes off his glasses and starts to move off his chair. Yet in the next shot he gets off the chair still wearing his glasses. (00:07:30)

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Trivia: The traffic jam that Leo Beiderman travels through at the end was made up of 2,000 cars and 2,500 people on a not-yet-opened stretch of highway in northern Virginia.


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Answer: She overdosed on prescription pills.


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