Plot hole: Alex Montel is arrested and then held because his identity cannot be confirmed. This is not a valid reason to hold him, unless he is a terror risk which is never mentioned and the FBI are not involved. His expensive lawyer should have got him out on a bond with no issue at all.
Suggested correction: I absolutely HATE defending the way TV depicts legal processes, BUT in this case I have to agree he could be held pending verification of identity. The reason is that he was arrested, not merely questioned, and the bond judge would insist on knowing his identity before setting bond. The only other way he might get out is if the arrest was bogus and the lawyer could convince a states' attorney or an arraignment judge of that. (Sorry, I didn't review this episode, and I don't remember the arrest!).
He is stopped for a traffic violation and then arrested for that. They don't even know he murdered his uncle, and yet he is held in custody. Even if the judge insists, there would be a bond payable and Montel would pay it and escape.