Capt. Donnelly: 13,453 dollars and 63 cents. That's how much an unmarked squad car costs this department. That's the third goddamned car you trashed this month.
Harry Callahan: Lou Janero.
Capt. Donnelly: What?
Harry Callahan: It's his men who shot up the car, why don't you send him the bill?
Harry Callahan: You're out of bullets. And you know what that means... you're shit outta luck.
Harlan Rook: Now you've locked yourself in, asshole.
Harry Callahan: Yeah. Just you and me, asshole.
Harry Callahan: Do you have any kids, lieutenant?
Lt. Ackerman: Me? No.
Harry Callahan: Lucky for them.
Harry Callahan: Well, opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one.
Harry Callahan: She's right. Oh you can set yourself into a bonfire, we'll break out the marshmallows and the weenies, but you ain't gonna be on "News at Eleven."
Insp. Al Quan: It's like I was telling you, Harry. Celebrities, they always die in.
Harry Callahan: threes.
Insp. Al Quan: At least the guy went out with.
Harry Callahan: ...a bang. Yeah, I know.
Harry Callahan: Fuck with me, buddy, I'll kick your ass so hard you'll have to unbutton your collar to shit.
Harry Callahan: Oh you can set yourself into a bonfire and we'll break out the marshmallows and the weenies but you ain't gonna be on News at Eleven.
Chosen answer: Under those circumstances, when someone has just committed an extreme act to protect themselves it would be hard to claim that the third shooting was deliberate murder, that he was thinking normally, and that there was no further danger. From Callahan's perspective, he might have believed the shooter was not actually fleeing and still posed a threat if he came back.
raywest ★