Revealing mistake: Will walks down the stairs, after the coach leaves and the cottage to the left of the Governor's mansion isn't seen at all. In this close-up, the Governor's mansion behind Will is only a facade built at Marineland. They only built the facade for the main house, not the two servants' cottages on both sides of the mansion. In the next wide shot, both cottages and the mansion seen, are miniatures used in a CG composite on the hill. Given the proximity of the (miniature) cottages at both sides of the house in the wide shot, the left cottage should've been seen in the close-up, but obviously couldn't because the cottages weren't built. Fuller view of the wide shot in deleted scenes. (00:08:45)

Revealing mistake: When Jack is standing on the mast of the Jolly Mon, as he's 'sailing' closer to Port Royal, the Dauntless is seen in the distance, as are two very small row boats and the docks to the left. There are no other ships seen along the entire mountain cliffside, some of which is CG. In the next shot showing Dauntless from the dock, there are two other large ships near her, one being loaded with goods which should have been seen in the earlier wide shot. Given the proximity and dimension of Dauntless in the second shot, the other ships should have been seen in the earlier wide shot of the area. Both shots of Dauntless are CG, as is part of the cliffside. This is not because of camera angles. (00:08:55)
Revealing mistake: Jack slips aboard Interceptor and Murtogg and Mullroy run aboard and confront him. In Jack's close-up he begins to say, "Well then, I confess." The next shot is of Murtogg and Mullroy, while Jack continues to say, "It is my intention," and as he says, "to commandeer one of these ships..." there is a shot from behind Mullroy's right shoulder. As Jack speaks, Mullroy turns his head to the right and quickly glances peripherally to his side at the camera, so as not to bump into the steadicam at his elbow. Angus is not looking at anything else. (00:13:50)

Revealing mistake: When Elizabeth falls down from the cliff, with her hat and scarf falling over her, you can see it is definitely not Keira Knightley, as the stuntperson's face is perfectly visible. (00:15:05)

Revealing mistake: In the wide shot, when an unconscious Elizabeth reaches the water's bottom, the body is a mannequin that has been weighted down in the middle. The white mannequin head can be seen as the body meets the bottom. (00:15:55)

Revealing mistake: When Jack rescues an unconscious Elizabeth, as he reaches to lift her, his wet white shirt is translucent. From just above the elbow we can see the pink of his skin showing through the sleeves, but above that it's very apparent that he is wearing another garment under the white shirt. Yet when he's on the dock, there is no other garment under his shirt, which is still translucent enough to see the two tattoos on each of his shoulders. (00:16:00)
Revealing mistake: Jack did not rip Elizabeth's corset, as the sound effects suggest: the bustier's hooks were all already undone, and he just pulled the different pieces aside. (00:16:15)
Revealing mistake: In the scene where Elizabeth has fallen off the rampart into the water, Jack rescues her and Murtogg and Mullroy help lay her out on the dock. She is not wearing her breast 'enhancements', that she wears throughout the movie. Confirmed by Kiera Knightly on the DVD commentary. (00:16:30)
Revealing mistake: After Gillette locks the shackles on Jack's wrists, it is clear in Jack and Elizabeth's close-ups that the wider side of the shackles' distinctively shaped straight bar faces out at his wrists. However, when Jack is in the blacksmith shop, sitting at the anvil trying to break the links, the left shackle is actually around his wrist the opposite way. (This even occurs in other consecutive shots.) (00:19:00 - 00:21:30)

Revealing mistake: Norrington says, "Gillette, Mr. Sparrow has a dawn appointment with the gallows..." and he's standing at the dock. When he says the name Gillette, there is an unobstructed view. Behind Norrington to HIS right is the bottom part of the mountain's rocky cliffside and we do not see Dauntless moored. At this angle the Dauntless should be seen, though the digital editors neglected to add it. (00:20:30)
Revealing mistake: When Will opens the door to the blacksmith shop, on his immediate left outside, there is a stone wall with a plaque on it. That same plaque can be seen hanging high up over a doorway across the courtyard from the blacksmith's shop, when Jack goes into the shop earlier. The wall and plaque were added later, to that shot of Will. The plaque should not be able to be seen so closely, at that angle and distance, in the shot of Will opening the door. (00:20:40 - 00:21:55)
Revealing mistake: When Will opens the door to the blacksmith shop, behind him to his right is the sign for the silversmith across the courtyard. When the Royal Navy bursts in to capture Jack, behind the men is the same sign for the silversmith. The wall and silversmith sign in both of these background composites differ with each other in position, angle and dimension in relation to the door and the people standing in the doorway in both shots. This has nothing to do with the camera angle of the two shots. (00:21:55 - 00:26:50)
Revealing mistake: After Jack says, "Ta," he's about to leave, but Will throws the sword into the door, to block the latch. As Will starts to toss his sword, it can be seen that the sword never leaves his hand, but his arm moves downward with the sword in hand. The next shot is a close-up of the swaying sword embedded in the door. Obviously, Bloom does not make that throw towards Depp. (00:23:40)

Revealing mistake: During the sword fight in the blacksmith's shop, Will pulls a blade out of the fire. While fighting Jack, the heated blade sparks when their two swords clash. When Will blocks a hit from Jack, the impact is far BELOW the red/orange hot section of Will's sword, yet it sparks right at that spot. It also makes a kind of sound like electricity crackling. A heated blade would not make this noise, nor would it send out embers or sparks where it is not heated. Only the tip is heated, however the whole blade has an electrical current running through it, mentioned in another mistake. (00:24:15)

Revealing mistake: Johnny Depp's and Orlando Bloom's stunt doubles, Tony Angelotti (Jack) and Mark Aaron Wagner (Will), not only fight each other's 'alter ego' as well as other pirates and soldiers, they also duel directly with each other in the blacksmith shop in many shots. They are also too obvious in the scenes on Isla de Muerta, and during the rescue of Jack from the gallows, as they run and fight the Marines. There are notable differences between the two Jacks and two Wills within all the shots, throughout the film. (00:24:45 - 02:07:00)
Revealing mistake: Using the loop on Jack's shackle, Will traps Jack to the beam above with his sword. The distinctive patterns on the planks of the cart that Jack stands on differs from the patterns on the planks shown under Jack, while he hangs from the beam. It's not the same cart. Also, while Jack hangs over the cart, the cut out at the corner of the cart is seen over Jack's left shoulder. In the cut out, the linkage which is used for the wire is seen in a couple of shots. (The wire can be seen on Disc 2.) (00:25:30)
Revealing mistake: Ragetti has a wooden eye, yet, when he rubs it, it makes a funny squeeking sound. When he first comes ashore he has a wooden ball that he obviously palms instead of inserting. Mackenzie Crook, as Ragetti, wears a contact to simulate the wooden eye, and spins it around with his eye. When Pintel takes the fork with the eye out of Ragetti's socket, this ball at the end of the prongs is not made of wood. Props supplied a small rubber ball, and the air hole next to the fork prongs, with the painted 'iris' right above the prongs, can be seen. (00:30:45 - 01:25:30)

Revealing mistake: When the pirates arrive on shore at Port Royal, Ragetti and Pintel are standing in front of the boats. Ragetti has his false wood eye in his hand, as he sharpens the 'iris' with his knife point. As he does so, the eye socket does not look empty in this shot, only covered. (00:30:45)
Revealing mistake: Three shots after Ragetti inserts his wooden eye at the Port Royal shore, two pirates, one with long hair wearing a cap and one bald, each holding a torch in their right hands, are running and screaming. In the background, the pirate who is sliced in the belly by Will in the later shot, is seen running forward towards Will, who's partially seen on the left in the background, but Will has NOT even left the blacksmith shop yet and the woman running in the background has had her dress' color altered so as not to resemble herself in the later shot. We see the two screaming pirates later in the foreground of the same shot, before Will crosses the sword and axe overhead. (00:30:55)
Revealing mistake: During the attack on Port Royal, Will crosses his axe (left hand) and sword (right hand) overhead to block a pirate's blow and then proceeds to slice that pirate across his abdomen. Yet in the previous shot, in which another pirate with a cap stabs a man who is leaning against a stone wall, we see Will in the background on the left of the screen, having stabbed that pirate in the abdomen already. Obviously cut and the takes were edited out of sequence. (00:31:20)
Answer: On Disc 3, Johnny explains, "Take something as solid as Keith Richards and combine it with Pepé Le Pew... I felt... he would resemble a modern day Rastafarian..." Pepé Le Pew is a Looney Tunes cartoon character, based on Charles Boyer's romantic character, Pepé Le Moko. Pepé Le Pew, however, is a romantic amorous cartoon skunk and he has a huge flaw - his 'odor', which he emits in a grand way.
Super Grover ★