Old Priest: Many have died, last week, on these streets. In the basement of this building, you will find them. I have given them the last rites. Now, you do what you will. You are stronger than us. But soon, I think they be stronger than you. When the dead walk, seƱores, we must stop the killing... or lose the war.
Roger: You'll take care of me when I go, won't you, Peter?
Peter: Just rest, man. Save your strength.
Roger: I don't want to be walkin' around... like that... Peter... peter?
Peter: I'm here, man.
Roger: Don't do it until you are sure I am coming back! I'm gonna try... not to... I'm gonna try... not to... come back. I'm gonna try... not to.
Dr. Foster: Every dead body that is not exterminated becomes one of them. It gets up and kills! The people it kills get up and kill.
Dr. Foster: You're not running a talk show here, Mr. Berman! You can forget pitching an audience the moral bullshit they want to hear.
Dr. Foster: They kill for one reason: they kill for food. They eat their victims, you understand that, Mr. Berman? That's what keeps them going.
Dr. Millard Rausch, Scientist: Dummies! Dummies! Dummies.
Wooley: How the hell come we stick these low-life bastards in these big-ass hotels, anyway? Shit, man! This is better than I got.
Roger: Jesus, it's everywhere.
3rd SWAT Cop in Projects Apt.: Shoot it, man! Shoot it in the head.
Answer: One of the cops that was with Joe Plato (how much you have seen of them will depend on which version of the movie you, but I HIGHLY recommend the fan made/edited 'Extended Mall Hours' cut on YouTube) asked them for cigarettes. You'll notice that Roger and Fran lit up cigarettes as they were taking off, that's what Roger was laughing at.