Other mistake: When Connie Nielsen is driving the Hummer (with John as the passenger), the steering wheel doesn't move, but her hands do.
Other mistake: In John Travolta's scenes with the HUMVEE, all external shots are of a hard-door version, but the interior shots are of one with soft doors and zip down windows.
Other mistake: When John Travolta is questioning Dunbar, Dunbar jumps across the table and knocks down Travolta, but the chair is standing, you see this when Connie Nielsen walks by it. Minutes later when they go back to Dunbar, they pick the chair up off the floor.
Answer: It added to the plan of section 8, in that they were successfully able to stage two contradicting stories and source further incriminating evidence about the doctor and Colonel. By having Kapler there, they were able to see who would make an attempt on his life, the Colonel, and completely shut down the drug smuggling operation.