Plot hole: When SWAT enters Peters wife's room, the officer reaches for her neck and almost as soon as he touches her, he states "no pulse". This guy's EMT skills are phenomenal! Carotid pulse with a glove on in less than 2 seconds. This guy is good.
Plot hole: When Connick has Hudson hanging in the toilets at the start of the movie he grabs the first cop who tries to help her and says he cannot decide whether he should shoot or stab the cop, choosing eventually to do both. At the end of the movie, the copycat does this as well but he makes a mistake: after grabbing Hunter he tells Hudson about not being able to decide if he should shoot or stab but the copycat already had a dead cop's body placed in the toilet in the exact the same way Connick dropped the cop. This makes Hunter the second cop. For somebody with such an eye for detail, the copycat should have done the 'can't decide' monologue with the first cop in front of Hudson, but he is already dead on the floor when she wakes up.
Answer: I thought that it was Peter Kurten (Foley) that broke in and left the book. However if it was Conrad, then he does not appear in the flesh in the film.
Alan Keddie
You are correct. I just rewatched this tonight on Tubi.