[Poe is looking out of the back of the plane at the DEA agent's car tethered to it, flapping about.]
Cameron Poe: On any other day, that might seem strange.
Garland Greene: Define irony - a bunch of idiots dancing around on a plane to a song made famous by a band that died in a plane crash.
Vince Larkin: Contingency plans for something like this don't exist. The situation's never been contemplated.
Duncan Malloy: Well, you better start contemplating because this is a situation that needs to get unfucked right now!
Duncan Malloy: Of course you're having trouble reaching him! He's off saving the rain forest, or recycling his sandals or some shit!
Johnny 23: Do you know what I am?
Cameron Poe: Ugly all day.
Casino employee: New shooter coming out! New shooter! Does the new shooter feel lucky? Well, does he?
Garland Greene: Yes. Yes, he does.
[Cameron kills Billy Bedlam by impaling him on a ruptured pipe.]
Cameron Poe: Why couldn't you put the bunny back in the box?
Diamond Dog: You think you're free? You're not. Now listen up. Twenty guards armed with shotguns are waiting for us at the next stop. Now if you do exactly what we tell you, the rest of our lives will be spent in a non-extradition country. I'm talking sandy beaches, umbrella drinks and dirty naked freaks! It's gonna be a paid motherfucking vacation!
Pinball: Did you hear something that sounded like a damn plane?
Cameron Poe: Christ in a cartoon!
Johnny-23 : Shit, that's Garland Greene, man.
Cameron Poe: The Marietta Mangler.
Baby-O: That skinny little man butchered thirty-some people up and down the eastern seaboard. They say the way he killed those people makes the Manson Family look like The Partridge Family!
Cameron Poe: Well...he's on the right flight.
Cyrus: My daddy's coming home on July 14. My birthday's on July 14! I'm gonna see my daddy for the first time ever on July 14! Make a move and the bunny gets it.
Garland Greene: One girl, I drove through three states wearing her head as a hat.
Cyrus: Say any of this over the radio, the next wings you see will belong to the flies buzzing around your rotting corpse.
Cameron Poe: What do you think I'm gonna do? I'm gonna save the fucking day.
Larkin: This one's done it all; robbery, kidnapping, murder, extortion. His name is Cyrus Grissom, aka, Cyrus the Virus. Thirty-nine years old. Twenty-five of them spent in our institutions. But he's bettered himself inside. Earned two degrees including his Juris Doctor. He also killed eleven fellow inmates, incited three riots and escaped twice. Likes to brag that he's killed more men than cancer. Cyrus is a poster child for the criminally insane. He's a true product of the system.
Larkin: Nathan Jones, aka, Diamond Dog. Former general of the Black Guerrillas. He blew up a meeting of the National Rifle Association saying, and I quote, "they represented the basest negativity of the white race." He wrote a book in prison called "Reflections in a Diamond Eye." New York Times called it a wakeup call for the black community. They're talking to Denzel for the movie.
Garland Greene: There is no medicine for what I have.
Answer: If there was ever an emergency landing the weapons would be needed with the prisoners as they most likely will have to exit the plane at some point. There doesn't seem to be any information around that says that every prisoner transport plane would have the same amount of weapons or in the same spot but it seems likely most would have backup weapons for situations like that.
Lummie ★