Thoroughly Modern Millie

Factual error: The movie is set in 1922, but the women's clothes are more along the line of 1928, with a strong 1960's influence. For an accurate depiction of 1922 fashion, refer to Season 4 of Downton Abbey.


Revealing mistake: In the beginning when Mrs. Meers goes into the elevator, you can see that the elevator floor is a continuation of the room floor, just with a strip across it.


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Trivia: During the title sequence, as Millie is buying a pack of cigarettes from a vendor, her undergarment breaks. The vendor stares at her in surprise, and she does a slight curtsy and walks away. When the film was originally released, that was followed by a quick shot of the vendor looking down and seeing Millie's broken undergarment lying on the sidewalk, but for some unknown reason, that shot has been deleted.

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