Plan 9 From Outer Space

Revealing mistake: The inside of the spacecraft is populated with electronic equipment sitting on tables. You can easily identify a Hallicrafters short-wave receiver which the alien tries to smash on Jeff Trent's head. In the B&W version, you can even see manufacturer labels on the front of the units. They are missing in the colorized version.


Revealing mistake: As the saucer flies over the graveyard, Tor Johnson's shadow can be seen on the studio wall behind him. (00:13:20)


Revealing mistake: When somebody walks in the cemetery, it happens often that the grass slides under their feet, like fake grass. (00:35:55)

Dr Wilson

Revealing mistake: When the people in the military are firing the rockets at the UFOs, you can see the rockets launching from platform are coming from the outside of the platform. (00:19:00)

Jackie Menechino

Revealing mistake: When the UFO makes the huge flash that knocks everyone in the cemetery down, one of the police officers kicks a tombstone as he falls and it wobbles back and forth. (00:13:35)

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Trivia: In the hero's house, watch the furniture. They've used the exact same set of furniture inside and on the balcony.

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