Movie Quote Quiz

Agrippa: Well versed in the natural sciences and mathematics. She speaks seven languages proficiently. Were she not a woman one would consider her to be an intellectual.

Cleopatra: How dare you and the rest of your barbarians set fire to my library! Play conqueror all you want, Mighty Caesar! Rape, murder, pillage thousands, even millions of human beings! But neither you nor any other barbarian has the right to destroy one human thought.

Agrippa: Was this well done of your lady?
Charmian: Extremely well, befitting the last of so many noble rulers.

Marc Antony: Your tongue is old, but sharp, Cicero. Be careful how you waggle it. One day it will cut off your head.

Apollodorus: I've always loved you.
Cleopatra: And I have always known.

Antony: Queens. Queens. Strip them naked as any other woman, they are no longer queens.
Rufio: It is also difficult to tell the rank of a naked general. Generals without armies are naked indeed.

Agrippa: Nothing bores me so much as an intellectual.
Julius Caesar: Makes a better admiral of you, Agrippa.

Julius Caesar: Why should the eyes of a statue always be without life?

Cleopatra: You come before me as a suppliant.
Antony: If you choose to regard me as such.
Cleopatra: I do. You will therefore assume the position of a suppliant before this throne. You will kneel.
Antony: I will what?
Cleopatra: On-your-knees.
Antony: You dare ask the Proconsul of the Roman Empire?
Cleopatra: I asked it of Julius Caesar. I demand it of you.

Julius Caesar: Two hours until dawn. We will hold where we are.
Agrippa: And what happens at dawn?
Julius Caesar: I thought you knew. The sun comes up.

Antony: What has angered you? That I dealt with Octavian however I could, or that I married his sister to do it? Jealousy or politics, which?
Cleopatra: Both! And damn you for not understanding either.
Antony: It would not occur to me to look to you for instruction.
Cleopatra: Which is why you have come back chained to Octavian like a slave. And with such an exquisite set of chains. So softly spoken, so virtuous! She sleeps, I hear, fully-clothed.

Julius Caesar: Ah, yes. I seem to recall some mention of an obsession you have about your divinity... Isis, is it not?
Cleopatra: I shall have to insist that you mind what you say. I AM Isis. I am worshipped by millions who believe it. You are not to confuse what I am with the so-called divine origin which every Roman general seems to acquire together with his shield. It was, uh, Venus you chose to be descended from, wasn't it?

Cleopatra: The way to prevent war is to be ready for it.
Sosigenes: Have 300 warships ever been built for war without war?

Cleopatra: Catullus doesn't approve of you. Why haven't you had him killed?
Julius Caesar: Because I approve of him..

Factual error: The Roman legionaries are using armor and shields first used over a century later, and there are no transverse crests to mark the many centurions that would have been in each unit.

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Trivia: The film was to have run six hours with two intermissions, but it was cut down to four with one.


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Question: During Rex Harrison's entire performance as Julius Caesar his arms and legs are covered by garments underneath his military garb and robes, even while in Egypt. The other Romans as would be expected have bare legs and arms. Was Harrison suffering from some skin condition or was he too shy or embarrassed of his limbs to show them in the film?

Answer: The people of higher rank would usually have more or better armor so in his case that would probably be extra armor for his legs and arms.

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