Code Hunter

Continuity mistake: When Nick Chase first logs into Shock, his password is hidden in the password field as asterisks but when he logs in the second time, he logs in and enters "GUEST" as the password and asterisks do not hide it.

Continuity mistake: In the rainy scene where Tess Woodward comes to pick up Nick Chase with her car after he called her, you can see that the front seat is wet even before Nick opens the door and sits in with his wet clothes. (01:03:30)

Continuity mistake: In the rainy scene where Tess Woodward comes to pick up Nick Chase with her car after he called her, you can see that the front seat is wet even before Nick opens the door and sits in with his wet clothes. (01:03:30)

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Trivia: This is one weird "mistake". The scene where Nick and Tess are arrested after a carchase (so many cops after a hacker?) is, yeah you're not going to believe it, completely ripped from another movie called Set it Off (1996, good movie). Not LIKE "Set it Off" but it IS "Set it Off". Everything from when the helicopter finds them until dead-end capture, except inside shots of course. Watch every crash, turn, intersection. If you look closely you can see that they even used the shots where 3 characters from "Set it Off" are visible. The movies are made by different companies (Set it Off - New Line Cinema, Storm Watch - Cinetel Films), so is this allowed? And by the way whose lowrider is this anyway (except Cleo from "Set it Off")? Later in the movie Tess drives a green jeep and Nick is a convicted poor hacker. If anyone knows something feel free to correct. (00:42:18)

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