The Cherokee Kid

The Cherokee Kid (1927)

2 factual errors - chronological order

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Factual error: When Bloomington offers the reward for Cherokee Kid's carcass, the undertaker asks a man if he's right handed or southpaw. The term southpaw originates from baseball stadiums from the 1920's. Home plate usually faced east to keep afternoon sun out of the batter's eyes, this makes the pitcher's left hand be to the south.

Factual error: When Sinbad demonstrates his new prowess with a 6-gun to Nat Love, he fires once with his right hand, once with his left hand, and then fans five more rounds. A 7-shooter?

Factual error: When Bloomington offers the reward for Cherokee Kid's carcass, the undertaker asks a man if he's right handed or southpaw. The term southpaw originates from baseball stadiums from the 1920's. Home plate usually faced east to keep afternoon sun out of the batter's eyes, this makes the pitcher's left hand be to the south.

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