
Continuity mistake: At the Rainbow Cabins, Mrs. Kettering hands Polly Cutler a bouquet of roses and the pink bow is on the left. In the next shot the bow is rotated 45 degrees to the right and is now facing Mrs. Kettering. (00:44:10)


Continuity mistake: In bed in their room Marilyn says, "Get me some orange juice Georgie" as she lays in bed on her side. In the next shot she's lying on her back. (00:29:30)


Continuity mistake: At the Rainbow Cabins, Polly Cutler lays out on a beach chair sunning herself as Ray comes out to talk to her. There's a second chair about 10 feet to her right but the in the next shot it moves right up next to her. (00:34:40)


Continuity mistake: Ray Cutler runs out of the cabin office and says to Polly, "How do you like that?". In the overhead shot you can see tire marks on the gravel driveway but in the next shot there are none. (00:34:30)


Continuity mistake: The Cutlers take the Scenic Tunnel Tour and the attendant on the left is handing a gentleman a pair of boots. In the next shot he's standing around getting ready to laugh. (00:12:40)


Continuity mistake: In the first scene of the movie we see Marilyn in bed with a cup and saucer on the edge of the night stand. She doesn't touch it but as George walks in the room the cup moves about six inches back from the edge of the night stand. (00:03:00)


Continuity mistake: As the Cutlers drive over the bridge into Canada the officer directing traffic is standing on the median. In the next shot he's in the middle of the road. (00:05:05)


Continuity mistake: When the Cutlers drive up to the customs officer you can see the luggage behind them in the backseat. A few shots later as they're leaving the customs booth the luggage is not there. (00:05:10)


Continuity mistake: As the Cutlers drive up to the Rainbow Cabins, before they speak to the manager the pages on the clipboard hanging next to the door are sticking out. Two shots later without anyone going near it, the clipboard has been moved as the pages are now flush with it. (00:06:25)


Continuity mistake: When George Loomis comes back to the cabins, after the lover tried to kill him at the falls, he wears the lovers shoes. But after he walks on the grass, just before the end of the shot, the top of the shoes is not white anymore as if he was wearing his own shoes. (00:45:00)


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