Ellie Burr: A good cop can't sleep because he's missing a piece of the puzzle. And a bad cop can't sleep because his conscience won't let him.
Will Dormer: This guy crossed the line and didn't even blink.
Will Dormer: You shouldn't knock misdemeanors.
Ellie Burr: Oh, but it's small stuff. It gets so boring.
Will Dormer: It's all about small stuff. You know, small lies, small mistakes. People give themselves away, same in misdemeanors as they do on murder cases. It's just human nature. Aren't you gonna write that down?
Rachel Clement: I can't judge. There are two kinds of people in Alaska: those who were born here and those who come here to escape something. I wasn't born here.
Walter Finch: You have no evidence I killed Kay. You only know because I told you what I saw.
Walter Finch: You're a good man. I know that. Even if you've forgotten it.
Will Dormer: We better find out where this came from.
Ellie Burr: I tried. Mrs. Connell doesn't know, her friends didn't know.
Will Dormer: Have you tried the jewelry stores? Small things, remember? The second you're about to dismiss something, think about it. Look at it again.
Ellie Burr: Want me to write that down?
Will Dormer: No, I'll remember it.
Walter Finch: You and I share a secret. We know how easy it is to kill someone. That ultimate taboo. It doesn't exist outside our own minds.
Ellie Burr: So, I'm gonna just take you guys over to the lodge, and.
Will Dormer: Just take us to the station.
Ellie Burr: Right. We need to get started. Most homicides are solved by work done in the first 72 hours.
Will Dormer: Well, it's 48 hours. We're a day behind. But who's counting?
Walter Finch: You forgot the wild card, Will.
Hap Eckhart: But you're clean, Will.
Will Dormer: I'm a good cop, yeah. But there's always something they could use to get at your credibility.
Francis: This his blood?
Ellie Burr: Ketchup maybe. Was he eating a hot dog?
Chosen answer: It represents Al Pacino's character planting evidence on men he knew were guilty. He was planting the victim's blood on their clothes so the evidence would be stronger against them.
In addition, there is a repeated scene where someone (Dormer) is wiping something on or off a fabric.