Mike Waters: I love you, and you don't pay me.
Bob Pigeon: Are you not a coward? Answer that, and that goes double.
Mike Waters: You're calling me a coward? You fat duck.
Bob Pigeon: I'd give a thousand dollars to be able to run as fast as you can.
Mike Waters: It'll never happen Bob.
Daddy Carroll: I am so lucky, I was born on April 4th 1944, that's 4.4 .44, if you add that up it comes to 16: 1-6, one plus six is seven: luckiest number of all.
Mike Waters: You know your Math.
Daddy Carroll: It's more than math Mike, it's... imaculate perfection.
Mike Waters: I've been tasting roads my whole life.
Scott Favor: Look Mike, sandwiches.
Mike Waters: This chick's living in a new car ad.
Richard Waters: That guy. He was your real dad, Mike.
Mike Waters: Don't fuck me in the head anymore man! I know the fucking truth! I know who my fucking real dad is.
Richard Waters: Who?.. Who?
Mike Waters: Dick, you. Richard, you're my dad. I know that.
Richard Waters: You know too much.
Scott Favor: It's when you start doing things for free, that you start to grow wings. Isn't that right, Mike.
Mike Waters: What?
Scott Favor: Wings, Michael. You grow wings, and become a fairy.
Gary: Hey man, did you get into that Sinead O'Connor concert last night?
Mike Waters: To the Sinead? What?
Gary: You know, the chick with the bald head.
Mike Waters: I've never been to a concert before, dude.
Scott Favor: I only have sex with a guy for money.
Mike Waters: Yeah, I know.
Scott Favor: And two guys can't love each other.
Mike Waters: Yeah.
Mike Waters: Well, I don't know. I mean... I mean, for me, I could love someone even if I, you know, wasn't paid for it... I love you, and... you don't pay me.
Scott Favor: Mike.
Mike Waters: I really wanna kiss you, man... Well goodnight, man... I love you though... You know that... I do love you.
Scott Favor: Why, you wouldn't even look at a clock unless hours were lines of coke, dials looked like the signs of gay bars, or time itself was a fair hustler in black leather.