Fenderbaum: I been called a lot of things but I ain't never been called no commie.
Blake: I ain't even a Democrat.
Don Canneloni: In the past, the Canneloni family was the most powerful of the families. We controlled drugs, prostitution, extortion, prostitution, gambling.
Slim: Uh, you said 'prostitution' twice.
Don Canneloni: Well, I like it.
Victor: My Aunt Millie took a vow of chastity. She had headaches allllll the time.
Don Canneloni: And now, the Rigatonis, the Tortellinis, the Fettuchinis, and even the Raviolis are bigger than we are. And why?
Tony: High interest rates.
Sonny: Acid rain.
Slim: Japanese imports.
Caesar: Uh... uh... none of the above.
Don Canneloni: No. No. No. Youse mugs already know the answer.
Caesar: Gee, boss, if I knew there was gonna be a test, I would've studied.
Shiek: Here is to good luck. May it all be mine.
Chosen answer: It's called a "Nova" (but not as in the Chevy Nova). It's a kit car, in the U.S. and for the film, it was made by the Sterling Sports Car company. Although the Nova kit car originated with the English company Automotive Design and Development Ltd.